Abbreviations and definitions
2Lt - Second Lieutenant
AAR - After Action Report
ACL - Air Cadet League / Access Control List
ACO - Area Cadet Officer
ACR - Annual Ceremonial Review
Admin O - Administration Officer
AMI - Alternate Method of Instruction
ASAP - As Soon As Possible
ASR - Activity Support Request
Asst - Assistant
AVPI - Annual Validation of Personal Information
B Gen - Brigadier General
CAF - Canadian Armed Forces
Capt - Captain
CATO - Cadet Administrative and Training Order
CC - Carbon Copy
CCO - Canadian Cadet Organizations
Cdt - Cadet
CAF - Canadian Armed Forces
CI - Civilian Instructor
CIC - Cadet Instructor Cadre
CO - Commanding Officer
COD - CO’s Directive
Col - Colonel
CPI - Cadet of Primary Interest
Cpl - Corporal
CFTC - Cadet Flying Training Centre
CTC - Cadet Training Centre
CV - Civilian Volunteer
CWO - Chief Warrant Officer
DCO - Deputy Commanding Officer
DHQ - Detailed Health Questionnaire
DM - Drum Major
DND - Department of National Defence
Duty O - Duty Officer
EO - Enabling Objective
Ex O - Exercise Order
FCpl - Flight Corporal
Flight - A group of cadets formed up on parade
Flt 2IC - Flight 2nd In Charge
Flt Adj - Flight Adjutant
Flt Comd - Flight Commander
Flt O - Flight Officer
FP Comd - Flag Party Commander
FP Mbr - Flag Party Member
Fortress - Cadet information database used by adult staff
FSgt - Flight Sergeant
FTX - Field Training Exercise
Gen - General
IAW - In Accordance With
IG - Instructor Guide
JI - Joining Instruction
Junior Cadet - Any cadet who is enrolled in the level 1, 2, 3, or 4 Proficiency training program
LAC - Leading Air Cadet
LCol - Lieutenant Colonel
LHQ - Local Headquarters
Lt Gen - Lieutenant General
Lt - Lieutenant
Lvl - Level
Maj Gen - Major General
Maj - Major
Mbr - Member
MCpl - Master Corporal
MP - Military Police
MRO - Monthly Routine Order
MWO - Master Warrant Officer
NCM - Non-commissioned member
NDA - Nationally Directed Activities (international exchange, national biathlon)
NLT - No Later Than
O - Officer or Official
OCdt - Officer Cadet
OIC - Officer in Charge
OPI - Office of Primary Interest
Op O - Operation Order
PAR - Post Activity Report
Parade Night - Our main training activity every Friday night
PER - Participation Evaluation Report (Cadet)
Pers - Personnel
PFP - Power Fam Pilot
PO - Performance Objective
PP&S - Pens, Paper, and Stationery
Pvt - Private
QSP - Qualification Standard Plan
RCACS - Royal Canadian Air Cadet Squadron
RCSU (NW) - Regional Cadet Support Unit (Northwest)
RDA - Regionally Directed Activities (Summer training, regional competitions)
Ref F - Regular Force
RSA - Regionally Supported Activity
RSO - Range Safety Officer
SA - Situational Awareness
SCA - Supply Customer Account
Senior Cadet - Any cadet who is enrolled or qualified in the Proficiency Level 5 training program
Sgt - Sergeant
SI - Senior Instructor
Sp - Support
Sqn Comd - Squadron Commander
Sqn - Squadron
SSC - Squadron Sponsoring Committee
SOM - Squadron Operations Manual
SOP - Standard Operating Procedure
SOS - Strike off Strength
Sup O - Supply Officer
Syn Lead - Syndicate Leader
TCS - Training Counselling Session
TOS - Take On Strength
Trg O - Training Officer
TY - Training Year
UCCMA - Unit Cadet Conflict Management Advisor
UTP - Unit Training Plan
W Comd - Wing Commander
W Dep Comd - Wing Deputy Commander
W WO - Wing Warrant Officer
Wn O - Warning Order
WO - Warrant Officer
WO1 - Warrant Officer 1st Class
WO2 - Warrant Officer 2nd Class
WRT - With Regard To
2Lt - Second Lieutenant
AAR - After Action Report
ACL - Air Cadet League / Access Control List
ACO - Area Cadet Officer
ACR - Annual Ceremonial Review
Admin O - Administration Officer
AMI - Alternate Method of Instruction
ASAP - As Soon As Possible
ASR - Activity Support Request
Asst - Assistant
AVPI - Annual Validation of Personal Information
B Gen - Brigadier General
CAF - Canadian Armed Forces
Capt - Captain
CATO - Cadet Administrative and Training Order
CC - Carbon Copy
CCO - Canadian Cadet Organizations
Cdt - Cadet
CAF - Canadian Armed Forces
CI - Civilian Instructor
CIC - Cadet Instructor Cadre
CO - Commanding Officer
COD - CO’s Directive
Col - Colonel
CPI - Cadet of Primary Interest
Cpl - Corporal
CFTC - Cadet Flying Training Centre
CTC - Cadet Training Centre
CV - Civilian Volunteer
CWO - Chief Warrant Officer
DCO - Deputy Commanding Officer
DHQ - Detailed Health Questionnaire
DM - Drum Major
DND - Department of National Defence
Duty O - Duty Officer
EO - Enabling Objective
Ex O - Exercise Order
FCpl - Flight Corporal
Flight - A group of cadets formed up on parade
Flt 2IC - Flight 2nd In Charge
Flt Adj - Flight Adjutant
Flt Comd - Flight Commander
Flt O - Flight Officer
FP Comd - Flag Party Commander
FP Mbr - Flag Party Member
Fortress - Cadet information database used by adult staff
FSgt - Flight Sergeant
FTX - Field Training Exercise
Gen - General
IAW - In Accordance With
IG - Instructor Guide
JI - Joining Instruction
Junior Cadet - Any cadet who is enrolled in the level 1, 2, 3, or 4 Proficiency training program
LAC - Leading Air Cadet
LCol - Lieutenant Colonel
LHQ - Local Headquarters
Lt Gen - Lieutenant General
Lt - Lieutenant
Lvl - Level
Maj Gen - Major General
Maj - Major
Mbr - Member
MCpl - Master Corporal
MP - Military Police
MRO - Monthly Routine Order
MWO - Master Warrant Officer
NCM - Non-commissioned member
NDA - Nationally Directed Activities (international exchange, national biathlon)
NLT - No Later Than
O - Officer or Official
OCdt - Officer Cadet
OIC - Officer in Charge
OPI - Office of Primary Interest
Op O - Operation Order
PAR - Post Activity Report
Parade Night - Our main training activity every Friday night
PER - Participation Evaluation Report (Cadet)
Pers - Personnel
PFP - Power Fam Pilot
PO - Performance Objective
PP&S - Pens, Paper, and Stationery
Pvt - Private
QSP - Qualification Standard Plan
RCACS - Royal Canadian Air Cadet Squadron
RCSU (NW) - Regional Cadet Support Unit (Northwest)
RDA - Regionally Directed Activities (Summer training, regional competitions)
Ref F - Regular Force
RSA - Regionally Supported Activity
RSO - Range Safety Officer
SA - Situational Awareness
SCA - Supply Customer Account
Senior Cadet - Any cadet who is enrolled or qualified in the Proficiency Level 5 training program
Sgt - Sergeant
SI - Senior Instructor
Sp - Support
Sqn Comd - Squadron Commander
Sqn - Squadron
SSC - Squadron Sponsoring Committee
SOM - Squadron Operations Manual
SOP - Standard Operating Procedure
SOS - Strike off Strength
Sup O - Supply Officer
Syn Lead - Syndicate Leader
TCS - Training Counselling Session
TOS - Take On Strength
Trg O - Training Officer
TY - Training Year
UCCMA - Unit Cadet Conflict Management Advisor
UTP - Unit Training Plan
W Comd - Wing Commander
W Dep Comd - Wing Deputy Commander
W WO - Wing Warrant Officer
Wn O - Warning Order
WO - Warrant Officer
WO1 - Warrant Officer 1st Class
WO2 - Warrant Officer 2nd Class
WRT - With Regard To
commanding officer's message
1. This Squadron Operations Manual (SOM) is published to set out regulations and to provide information particular to this squadron.
2. All personnel must acquaint themselves with, obey and enforce direction provided in this SOM. Breaches will be dealt with IAW CATO 15-22 or DAOD 5019-4. Ignorance of the contents of this SOM will not be accepted as an excuse for failure to obey it.
3. Personnel are expected to interpret this SOM intelligently, bearing in mind that no publication can provide for every situation or emergency or replace sound judgment and efficient supervision. Personnel are expected to use their common sense in unusual or emergency situations.
4. This SOM will be in effect upon publication. Any suggestions for changes must be made in writing to the CO, 170 RCACS (herein referred to as the CO).
B Minaker
Commanding Officer
2. All personnel must acquaint themselves with, obey and enforce direction provided in this SOM. Breaches will be dealt with IAW CATO 15-22 or DAOD 5019-4. Ignorance of the contents of this SOM will not be accepted as an excuse for failure to obey it.
3. Personnel are expected to interpret this SOM intelligently, bearing in mind that no publication can provide for every situation or emergency or replace sound judgment and efficient supervision. Personnel are expected to use their common sense in unusual or emergency situations.
4. This SOM will be in effect upon publication. Any suggestions for changes must be made in writing to the CO, 170 RCACS (herein referred to as the CO).
B Minaker
Commanding Officer
This SOM is published to define the aspects of the unit organization, regulations and terms of reference that do not change frequently and promote the efficient operation of the squadron.
Where physical location is important, this SOM has effect within the areas and buildings allocated to the squadron, including the designated areas of 17 Wing Building 21 and all other locations used from time to time by the squadron.
This SOM is issued by the CO and has effect on all personnel on strength with or attached to this unit (cadets and adult staff) while on any cadet activity within the boundaries defined above. These orders supplement any orders issued by a higher authority. These orders also will apply to any visiting officers or cadets while in the squadron areas of 17 Wing Building 21 and in attendance of 170 RCACS functions.
distribution and amendment
This SOM will supersede any previous orders that may have been issued. It is the responsibility of all personnel to read and become familiar with it. Knowledge of the information within this SOM will be assumed from the date of publishing and lack of such familiarity will not constitute excuse or contravention.
This SOM will be amended as required. All suggestions for amendment must be submitted to the CO. All the above references will apply equally to all amendments.
This SOM will be amended as required. All suggestions for amendment must be submitted to the CO. All the above references will apply equally to all amendments.
other directives and policy
Orders, directives and policies may be published to further direct the operation of the squadron. Examples include, but are not limited to:
- Emergency and Security Orders: self-explanatory;
- Monthly Routine Orders: Monthly notices;
- Warning Orders (Wn O): Give situation, mission, and admin instructions for an activity;
- Exercise Order (Ex O): Outlines a complete and comprehensive plan for a training activity; and
- Admin Instructions (Admin Inst): Similar to a Wn O or Ex O which provides direction on WRT an activity.