PART 3 - Administration
Cadet Signing Authority
Cadets who are 18 years old do not require parents to sign and documents such as permission slips, AVPIs, or CTC applications.
Annual Validation of Personal Information
Every year no later than 30 November, a cadet’s personal information (including address and phone number) needs to be validated. At the beginning of the training year, the admin staff will distribute a form for all parents to review, note any changes, sign and return the form to the Admin staff.
Cadets who fail to turn the AVPI by 30 November will be restricted to participating in squadron activities only (parade nights, etc) and will not be able to participate in RDA or NDA.
The above restriction is lifted once a completed AVPI is submitted.
Cadets who fail to turn the AVPI by 30 November will be restricted to participating in squadron activities only (parade nights, etc) and will not be able to participate in RDA or NDA.
The above restriction is lifted once a completed AVPI is submitted.
Detailed Health Questionnaire
As part of the enrollment process, cadets are asked yes/no questions related to their health. Depending on the response, parents may be required to fill out a Detailed Health Questionnaire (DHQ). DHQs are sent to RCSU (NW) and processed by the Regional Cadet Medical Liaison Officer, who then determines if any participation limitations need to be put in place for a cadet.
Limitations can range from “May require close supervision” to “Unable to fly an aircraft”, depending on the medical conditions detailed in the DHQ.
It should be noted that cadets who have the limitation “Unable to fly an aircraft” are ineligible for the Glider Pilot and Power Pilot Scholarships unless they can obtain a minimum Cat 4 civil aviation medical. They can still participate in gliding days and the familiarization flying program as passengers.
Cadets or parents can view any imposed limitations on request to the Admin O. Should a cadet’s medical condition change at some point during the training year, a new DHQ should be submitted promptly, so that participation limitations can be adjusted if required.
Limitations can range from “May require close supervision” to “Unable to fly an aircraft”, depending on the medical conditions detailed in the DHQ.
It should be noted that cadets who have the limitation “Unable to fly an aircraft” are ineligible for the Glider Pilot and Power Pilot Scholarships unless they can obtain a minimum Cat 4 civil aviation medical. They can still participate in gliding days and the familiarization flying program as passengers.
Cadets or parents can view any imposed limitations on request to the Admin O. Should a cadet’s medical condition change at some point during the training year, a new DHQ should be submitted promptly, so that participation limitations can be adjusted if required.
Attendance in squadron activities is an important aspect of being a cadet. If a cadet misses too many mandatory activities, they may not successfully complete their training level. Attendance is also considered when choosing who gets to attend summer training opportunities as well as award selection.
There are mandatory activities which cadets must participate including parade nights, FTXs and fundraisers (tag days). There are optional activities as well.
Attendance is documented for every mandatory activity as well as most optional activities. Cadets will either be marked present, absent, absent-excused, late, or late excused. If cadets leave an activity early, they will also have this reflected on their attendance.
If a cadet knows they are going to be absent or late for an activity, they must let their Flight Commander know or click the 'Contact Us' link above in order to be marked as excused. Excused absences are better to have on record than unexcused absences.
Not being contacted regarding an activity is not a valid excuse for being absent, even if it comes from a parent. We use several means to communicate activities. It is up to all individuals to keep informed about all our activities.
An attendance table will be set up every parade night at the west side of the parade square and attendance sheets will be left there sorted by flight. When cadets arrive at Building 21 on a parade night, they are to check in at that table first and record their attendance with an “X” next to the name.
Cadets with parade positions: if you are aware that a cadet from your flight will be excused absent or excused late, indicate this on the attendance sheet.
If cadets arrive after 1830 hrs, they are still required to check in at the attendance table, but will be marked late. The table will remain until the end of opening parade. If any cadets arrive after 1900 hrs, or need to leave early, please advise the admin staff directly.
It is imperative that ALL cadets ensure they sign in. Cadets who fail to sign in will be marked absent- unexcused.
Cadets who plan to be absent for more than 30 days and who have been a member for over a year, must apply for an extended leave of absence. The form can be found on the 'Forms' page of this site or can be obtained from the Admin O. Submit the completed form to the Admin O.
Cadets must have at least 60% attendance in all level training activities in order to qualify for the training level. If this is not achieved, cadets may still be able to move onto the next training level, however, they will not be qualified and promotion will be delayed. In cases of exceptionally poor attendance and at the discretion of the Trg O, cadets may need to repeat the training level; or they may be asked by the CO to resign.
There are mandatory activities which cadets must participate including parade nights, FTXs and fundraisers (tag days). There are optional activities as well.
Attendance is documented for every mandatory activity as well as most optional activities. Cadets will either be marked present, absent, absent-excused, late, or late excused. If cadets leave an activity early, they will also have this reflected on their attendance.
If a cadet knows they are going to be absent or late for an activity, they must let their Flight Commander know or click the 'Contact Us' link above in order to be marked as excused. Excused absences are better to have on record than unexcused absences.
Not being contacted regarding an activity is not a valid excuse for being absent, even if it comes from a parent. We use several means to communicate activities. It is up to all individuals to keep informed about all our activities.
An attendance table will be set up every parade night at the west side of the parade square and attendance sheets will be left there sorted by flight. When cadets arrive at Building 21 on a parade night, they are to check in at that table first and record their attendance with an “X” next to the name.
Cadets with parade positions: if you are aware that a cadet from your flight will be excused absent or excused late, indicate this on the attendance sheet.
If cadets arrive after 1830 hrs, they are still required to check in at the attendance table, but will be marked late. The table will remain until the end of opening parade. If any cadets arrive after 1900 hrs, or need to leave early, please advise the admin staff directly.
It is imperative that ALL cadets ensure they sign in. Cadets who fail to sign in will be marked absent- unexcused.
Cadets who plan to be absent for more than 30 days and who have been a member for over a year, must apply for an extended leave of absence. The form can be found on the 'Forms' page of this site or can be obtained from the Admin O. Submit the completed form to the Admin O.
Cadets must have at least 60% attendance in all level training activities in order to qualify for the training level. If this is not achieved, cadets may still be able to move onto the next training level, however, they will not be qualified and promotion will be delayed. In cases of exceptionally poor attendance and at the discretion of the Trg O, cadets may need to repeat the training level; or they may be asked by the CO to resign.
Injuries and Illness
If cadets are in attendance, but cannot participate in an activity due to injury, and this injury isn’t visibly obvious, a parent will be contacted for verification. If the cadet sits out from parade due to illness, a parent will be contacted and we will recommend the cadet be taken home. If a parent decides their cadet will not be picked up, with their consent, participation will be mandatory.
Unless injury prevents them, cadets who do not participate in opening or closing parade must still stand at attention for the following:
Unless injury prevents them, cadets who do not participate in opening or closing parade must still stand at attention for the following:
- March-past
- General salute
- Advance
- March on / march off of the flags
Cadet Promotions
Promotion criteria are as follows:
To LAC - Participate in the first year of the proficiency level training program for a minimum period of five months.
To Cpl - Hold the rank of LAC.
- Successfully complete year one of the proficiency level training program.
- Participate in the cadet fitness assessment within the past 12 months.
*In certain instances, late joiners may qualify for Cpl immediately after promotion to LAC. However, the CO reserves the right to defer the Cpl promotion for up to 1 month, to allow the cadet some experience at the LAC level.
To FCpl - Complete at least six months of service at the rank of Cpl.
- Successfully complete year two of the proficiency level training program.
- Participate in the cadet fitness assessment within the past 12 months.
To Sgt - Complete at least six months of service at the rank of FCpl.
- Successfully complete year three of the proficiency level training program.
- Achieve a minimum of “completed without difficulty” in PO 303 (Leadership).
- Participate in the cadet fitness assessment within the past 12 months.
To FSgt - Complete at least six months of service at the rank of Sgt.
- Successfully complete year four of the proficiency level training program.
- Achieve a minimum of “completed without difficulty” in PO 403 (Leadership).
- Participate in the cadet fitness assessment within the past 12 months.
To WO2 - Complete at least six months of service at the rank of FSgt.
- Be identified as a successful candidate through the merit review board process.
- Achieve a minimum of “completed without difficulty” in PO 503 (Leadership).
- Participate in the cadet fitness assessment within the past 12 months.
To WO1 - Complete at least six months of service at the rank of WO2.
- Be identified as a successful candidate through the merit review board process.
Promotions are given throughout the training year, typically during closing parade on Fridays. We also make the announcement in our weekly updates. If a cadet sees their name in the weekly updates but missed the promotion due to absence, simply see the Sup O on the next parade night for new rank badges.
To LAC - Participate in the first year of the proficiency level training program for a minimum period of five months.
To Cpl - Hold the rank of LAC.
- Successfully complete year one of the proficiency level training program.
- Participate in the cadet fitness assessment within the past 12 months.
*In certain instances, late joiners may qualify for Cpl immediately after promotion to LAC. However, the CO reserves the right to defer the Cpl promotion for up to 1 month, to allow the cadet some experience at the LAC level.
To FCpl - Complete at least six months of service at the rank of Cpl.
- Successfully complete year two of the proficiency level training program.
- Participate in the cadet fitness assessment within the past 12 months.
To Sgt - Complete at least six months of service at the rank of FCpl.
- Successfully complete year three of the proficiency level training program.
- Achieve a minimum of “completed without difficulty” in PO 303 (Leadership).
- Participate in the cadet fitness assessment within the past 12 months.
To FSgt - Complete at least six months of service at the rank of Sgt.
- Successfully complete year four of the proficiency level training program.
- Achieve a minimum of “completed without difficulty” in PO 403 (Leadership).
- Participate in the cadet fitness assessment within the past 12 months.
To WO2 - Complete at least six months of service at the rank of FSgt.
- Be identified as a successful candidate through the merit review board process.
- Achieve a minimum of “completed without difficulty” in PO 503 (Leadership).
- Participate in the cadet fitness assessment within the past 12 months.
To WO1 - Complete at least six months of service at the rank of WO2.
- Be identified as a successful candidate through the merit review board process.
Promotions are given throughout the training year, typically during closing parade on Fridays. We also make the announcement in our weekly updates. If a cadet sees their name in the weekly updates but missed the promotion due to absence, simply see the Sup O on the next parade night for new rank badges.
Dress Instructions
The following are dress instructions for various squadron activities and are intended to supplement the CJCR Dress Instructions. If not defined in the CJCR Dress Instructions or in the instructions below, instructions will be outlined through orders, or directives specific to the activity.
When attending activities where the uniform is required, cadets must ensure their uniform is cleaned, ironed, in good repair, and that their boots are clean and polished. Cadets must make every reasonable effort to attend activities in uniform when required. A common excuse for not wearing the uniform is, "I came straight from school." This excuse will not be accepted. Cadets must problem solve and determine a way to make it happen.
Male cadets must have their hair cut and females must have their hair done IAW the CJCR Dress Instructions for all mandatory activities. Females may wear pony tails only during mandatory sports activities. Cadets must not dye their hair to an unnatural colour. Diagrams can be found in the CJCR Dress Instructions below.
The only jewellery that may be worn in uniform is a wristwatch, a medical alert bracelet and a maximum of two rings, which are not of a costume jewellery nature. In addition, female cadets in uniform may wear a single pair of plain gold, silver stud or white pearl earrings in pierced ears. The single stud earring, worn in the centre of each earlobe, must be spherical in shape and not exceed 0.6 cm in diameter. No other type of earring can be worn except for a gold or silver-healing device of similar shape and size, which may be worn while ears are healing after piercing. Only a single earring or healing device, worn in the centre of each ear lobe, may be worn at a time. Male cadets are not authorized to wear an earring or earrings.
Cadets must not acquire visible tattoos that could be deemed to be offensive (e.g. pornographic, blasphemous, racist, etc.) or otherwise reflect discredit on the CCO. Cadets in uniform must not wear any visible body piercings.
When travelling to and from a cadet activity in uniform, cadets must ensure they are wearing the complete uniform or what has been issued by the Sup O. If a cadet has not been issued a parka or gloves, civilian ones may be worn. Strive to wear solid black gloves so they closely match the issued variety.
If cadets are required to wear a uniform for a particular activity, but are missing a portion of, they must wear enough parts available to conform to one of the orders of dress. For example, if the C-2 dress is required but a cadet is missing their tunic, then they can wear the C-2B order of dress.
If the cadet does not have boots, the rest of the uniform still must be worn. Try to wear black dress shoes. Wear the wedge as well.
If the tie is missing, remove the tunic and dress according to the C-2B order of dress.
If no order of dress can be conformed to, wear business casual attire (boots may be worn). Cadets appointed to parade positions are still permitted to be on parade without a uniform, but must not salute during any march-past. New recruits are authorized to wear various parts of the uniform while awaiting parts on order, at discretion of the Sup O.
Outside of cadet activities, cadets must not wear any part of their uniform unless authorized by the CO.
If cadets need a uniform part, they are to advise the Sup O immediately. If cadets need a name tag, contact the SSC as name tags are not supplied by DND.
The wearing of poppies is mandatory for all cadets and staff beginning on the last Friday of October up to and including Remembrance Day.
When given the opportunity to wear civilian attire, cadets must make a reasonable effort to present a professional image while taking into account safety and environmental factors (ex. don’t wear dress slacks to a sports activity).
Cadets may wear ball caps or wool caps at activities where the uniform is not required.
The following guidelines apply to these instructions:
a. Casual attire: Attire that an individual would wear to school our out in public.
b. Business casual attire: Attire such as dress slacks, collared shirt, blouse, etc. T-shirts, shorts, and jeans do not apply.
c. Sports attire: Attire that an individual would wear during gym class at school or while exercising in public. Appropriate gym clothes include shorts or sweat pants, T-shirt, socks and runners. Runners must be laced up and skateboard style shoes are not acceptable. If cadets are not dressed properly for the activity, they may be prohibited from participating.
The following dress instructions apply to common activities during the training year:
a. Parade nights (20 Mar to 22 Sep):
The CJCR Dress Instructions can be found here:
When attending activities where the uniform is required, cadets must ensure their uniform is cleaned, ironed, in good repair, and that their boots are clean and polished. Cadets must make every reasonable effort to attend activities in uniform when required. A common excuse for not wearing the uniform is, "I came straight from school." This excuse will not be accepted. Cadets must problem solve and determine a way to make it happen.
Male cadets must have their hair cut and females must have their hair done IAW the CJCR Dress Instructions for all mandatory activities. Females may wear pony tails only during mandatory sports activities. Cadets must not dye their hair to an unnatural colour. Diagrams can be found in the CJCR Dress Instructions below.
The only jewellery that may be worn in uniform is a wristwatch, a medical alert bracelet and a maximum of two rings, which are not of a costume jewellery nature. In addition, female cadets in uniform may wear a single pair of plain gold, silver stud or white pearl earrings in pierced ears. The single stud earring, worn in the centre of each earlobe, must be spherical in shape and not exceed 0.6 cm in diameter. No other type of earring can be worn except for a gold or silver-healing device of similar shape and size, which may be worn while ears are healing after piercing. Only a single earring or healing device, worn in the centre of each ear lobe, may be worn at a time. Male cadets are not authorized to wear an earring or earrings.
Cadets must not acquire visible tattoos that could be deemed to be offensive (e.g. pornographic, blasphemous, racist, etc.) or otherwise reflect discredit on the CCO. Cadets in uniform must not wear any visible body piercings.
When travelling to and from a cadet activity in uniform, cadets must ensure they are wearing the complete uniform or what has been issued by the Sup O. If a cadet has not been issued a parka or gloves, civilian ones may be worn. Strive to wear solid black gloves so they closely match the issued variety.
If cadets are required to wear a uniform for a particular activity, but are missing a portion of, they must wear enough parts available to conform to one of the orders of dress. For example, if the C-2 dress is required but a cadet is missing their tunic, then they can wear the C-2B order of dress.
If the cadet does not have boots, the rest of the uniform still must be worn. Try to wear black dress shoes. Wear the wedge as well.
If the tie is missing, remove the tunic and dress according to the C-2B order of dress.
If no order of dress can be conformed to, wear business casual attire (boots may be worn). Cadets appointed to parade positions are still permitted to be on parade without a uniform, but must not salute during any march-past. New recruits are authorized to wear various parts of the uniform while awaiting parts on order, at discretion of the Sup O.
Outside of cadet activities, cadets must not wear any part of their uniform unless authorized by the CO.
If cadets need a uniform part, they are to advise the Sup O immediately. If cadets need a name tag, contact the SSC as name tags are not supplied by DND.
The wearing of poppies is mandatory for all cadets and staff beginning on the last Friday of October up to and including Remembrance Day.
When given the opportunity to wear civilian attire, cadets must make a reasonable effort to present a professional image while taking into account safety and environmental factors (ex. don’t wear dress slacks to a sports activity).
Cadets may wear ball caps or wool caps at activities where the uniform is not required.
The following guidelines apply to these instructions:
a. Casual attire: Attire that an individual would wear to school our out in public.
b. Business casual attire: Attire such as dress slacks, collared shirt, blouse, etc. T-shirts, shorts, and jeans do not apply.
c. Sports attire: Attire that an individual would wear during gym class at school or while exercising in public. Appropriate gym clothes include shorts or sweat pants, T-shirt, socks and runners. Runners must be laced up and skateboard style shoes are not acceptable. If cadets are not dressed properly for the activity, they may be prohibited from participating.
The following dress instructions apply to common activities during the training year:
a. Parade nights (20 Mar to 22 Sep):
- All cadets: C-3B
- CAF members: CADPAT
- Civilians: Issued collared shirt with dress pants
- All cadets: C-3
- CAF members: CADPAT
- Civilians: Issued collared shirt with dress pants
- All cadets: C-1
- CAF members: 3B or 3C initially and then change to 1A for CO’s parade w/ short sleeve shirt (Sp NCMs may be in CADPAT)
- Civilians: Issued collared shirt with dress pants
- All cadets: C-1
- CAF members: 1A w/ long sleeve shirt
- Civilians: Issued collared shirt with dress pants
- Cadets: Sports attire
- CAF members: Sports attire (CADPAT if not participating)
- Civilians: Sports attire (Casual attire if not participating)
- All pers: Casual civilian attire
- All pers: Casual civilian attire
- Cadets: Casual attire
- CAF members: CADPAT
- Civilians: Casual attire
- Cadet pilots may wear blue flight suits
- Senior cadets may wear olive drab combats provided they wear their rank slip-ons and proper head dress
- Senior cadets may wear olive drab combats provided they wear their rank slip-ons and proper head dress
The CJCR Dress Instructions can be found here:

CJCR Dress Instructions.pdf |
Care must be taken when using Sqn equipment. Report any damages to the CO. Equipment must not be removed from Building 21 unless prior permission is obtained from the CO.
A loan card must be completed by the CO and signed by the receiving individual for any equipment that will be issued on a long-term basis. Pers must not turn in that equipment to anyone else, but the CO. No senior cadet or staff mbr--except the CO--can direct anyone to give up equipment they have signed for.
With the approval of 17 Wing PSP, COATS mbrs are entitled to use any PSP equipment/facilities at B21 for personal use or for organized PT with other CAF mbrs/DND employees. COATS mbrs are responsible for proper care of that equipment. If it gets damaged, however unlikely, PSP may hold mbrs liable. Mbrs are welcome to pursue the use of PSP equipment by contacting the Building Coordinator.
COATS Mbrs may chose to use the equipment for cadet activities, however, they alone will be responsible for the equipment. No SSC funds or LSA will be dispersed to cover any losses that occur as a result of the Mbr's, or cadet's actions. It is highly recommended to use existing equipment in Rm 204 for any activities or to explore purchasing our own equipment if there’s a need for something we don’t already have.
A loan card must be completed by the CO and signed by the receiving individual for any equipment that will be issued on a long-term basis. Pers must not turn in that equipment to anyone else, but the CO. No senior cadet or staff mbr--except the CO--can direct anyone to give up equipment they have signed for.
With the approval of 17 Wing PSP, COATS mbrs are entitled to use any PSP equipment/facilities at B21 for personal use or for organized PT with other CAF mbrs/DND employees. COATS mbrs are responsible for proper care of that equipment. If it gets damaged, however unlikely, PSP may hold mbrs liable. Mbrs are welcome to pursue the use of PSP equipment by contacting the Building Coordinator.
COATS Mbrs may chose to use the equipment for cadet activities, however, they alone will be responsible for the equipment. No SSC funds or LSA will be dispersed to cover any losses that occur as a result of the Mbr's, or cadet's actions. It is highly recommended to use existing equipment in Rm 204 for any activities or to explore purchasing our own equipment if there’s a need for something we don’t already have.
Quitting or Transferring
Cadets who plan on quitting or transferring to another cadet squadron or corps must advise the Admin O as soon as possible who will then terminate their membership. Cadets who plan on transferring to another unit, may keep their uniform. Otherwise, we require it to be returned to us.
Cadets may also pick up a copy of their personnel file on request, including enrollment papers and course reports.
Cadets may also pick up a copy of their personnel file on request, including enrollment papers and course reports.