PART 6 - Adult Staff General Information
Building 21 Facility Issues
All issues WRT the facility are to be brought to the attention of the CO.
Emergency and Security orders are posted to in Rm 203 on the wall near the door. The following Sqn pers are required to read and acknowledge receipt of these orders:
- CAF mbrs
- CIs
- CVs
- SSC Chairperson
- Any other individual designated by the SSC who has been screened by the SSC or ACL and has current PRC/VSS
CCO Laptops
Please contact CCO IT Support at (855)252-8082 (CSN 668-7954) or [email protected] if you have any issues.
Log out from the laptop if you will be leaving it unattended. If you wish to use the laptop and it is locked, try and locate the mbr to unlock it. If they are unavailable, you may restart the laptop in order to gain access. Laptops must not be removed from Building 21 unless the CO is advised.
Log out from the laptop if you will be leaving it unattended. If you wish to use the laptop and it is locked, try and locate the mbr to unlock it. If they are unavailable, you may restart the laptop in order to gain access. Laptops must not be removed from Building 21 unless the CO is advised.
Activity Approval
Creation or certain changes to activities—mandatory and optional—such as dates, start/end times, location, and financial, and/or adult supervision must be approved by the CO. Other particulars of the activity are at the discretion of the activity OPI, provided the activity is conducted in a safe manner and still achieves the objective. This includes sqn activities and activities organized by other units where 170 is a participant.
Activity Supervision
When tasked with supervising an activity, supervisors are taking responsibility for the safety and well-being of all cadets participating in the activity. If not directly providing instruction or guidance at a particular activity, supervisors must periodically check in on participants to ensure there are no issues. Supervisors must also periodically check on locations around the building/site such as the classrooms and washrooms to ensure there are no issues.
During parade night breaks, Lvl Trg Os must spread out and monitor all areas of Building 21 including classrooms, the parade square, and the change rooms. All staff are asked to make an effort after dismissal to monitor these areas until the cadets disperse.
The minimum supervision ratio IAW NATL CJCR SP GP ORDER 8012-1, SUPERVISION OF CADETS must be maintained at all times. The activity OPI, must also remain at the location until all cadets have departed. Should there still be cadets present 30 minutes after the activity, an attempt must be made to contact the cadet’s parent(s). If contact is unsuccessful, contact the CO for further instructions.
During parade night breaks, Lvl Trg Os must spread out and monitor all areas of Building 21 including classrooms, the parade square, and the change rooms. All staff are asked to make an effort after dismissal to monitor these areas until the cadets disperse.
The minimum supervision ratio IAW NATL CJCR SP GP ORDER 8012-1, SUPERVISION OF CADETS must be maintained at all times. The activity OPI, must also remain at the location until all cadets have departed. Should there still be cadets present 30 minutes after the activity, an attempt must be made to contact the cadet’s parent(s). If contact is unsuccessful, contact the CO for further instructions.
Recording Activity Attendance
Attendance must be taken at every activity involving cadets of the squadron—including mandatory and optional training (excluding RDA and NDA). The Admin O is responsible for printing attendance forms for parade nights and entering the results into Fortress.
For all other activities, it is the responsibility of the activity OPI to record attendance. OPIs are to enter the attendance into Fortress if able, or submit to the Admin O for entry. Activity OPIs can be found in Fortress in the list of squadron activities.
For all other activities, it is the responsibility of the activity OPI to record attendance. OPIs are to enter the attendance into Fortress if able, or submit to the Admin O for entry. Activity OPIs can be found in Fortress in the list of squadron activities.
Participation Limitations
A report can be generated in Fortress that lists cadets with participation limitations. Staff must acquaint themselves with these limitations when planning and conducting activities.
There are a few limitations which will result in cadets being exempt from activities such as the limitation to fire a rifle (exempt from marksmanship days). If a cadet is exempt from an activity due to a participation limitation, they must be removed from the attendance completely vs being marked absent.
Other examples of limitations include, but are not limited to:
There are a few limitations which will result in cadets being exempt from activities such as the limitation to fire a rifle (exempt from marksmanship days). If a cadet is exempt from an activity due to a participation limitation, they must be removed from the attendance completely vs being marked absent.
Other examples of limitations include, but are not limited to:
- Unable to fly an aircraft (ineligible for GPS/PPS, but can participate in gliding days);
- Unable to participate in contact sports (but may conduct the Cadet Fitness Test); or
- May require assistance (give assistance as required).
Parade Night and ACTIVITY Duty
The Duty O’s overall responsibility is to ensure the parade night operates on schedule and that for all activities, the building is clean and secure at the end. The Duty O has the resources of any senior cadet not already tasked during parade nights. He/she also has the resource of the Duty Cdt and Duty Flt after dismissal. Specific responsibilities are as follows:
The Duty Flt schedule is defined in the Squadron Calendar. Four flights: Arrow, Sabre, Starfighter and Voodoo each take a turn being Duty Flt for a parade night. The Duty Cdt is determined by the Lvl 5 Trg O through a scheduled rotation of senior cadets. Hornet Flt is exempt from being Duty Flt, because it carries the responsibility of building cleanliness and security after every band practice.
The Duty Flt and Duty Cdts’ responsibilities don’t typically occur until after dismissal at which time, they are responsible for assisting with clean up and ensuring the building is secure.
The Duty O will handoff the checklist to the Duty Cdt. The Duty Flt will then ensure cleanliness of the building under the direction of the Duty Cdt. It is imperative that the Duty Flt remains until all tasks are complete. Once the Duty Cdt is satisfied, he/she can dismiss the Flt and then conduct a walk-around with the Duty O. Once the Duty O is satisfied, he/she can dismiss the Duty Cdt.
CAF Mbrs or CIs assigned as Duty O or OPI of an activity must stay until all cadets have left. For any CVs that are Duty O, this responsibility will fall to the CO or their designate.
Should the checklist not be completed correctly, the CO may assign Duty pers with a second consecutive parade night in order to correct deficiencies.
Copies of the checklist that must be followed can be found as an Annex to the Emergency and Security Orders Posted in Rm 203. An electronic copy is also available in the 'Forms and Files' section of this website.
The checklist must also be completed during any other activities that take place at Building 21. In these cases, the OPI of the activity and a designated senior cadet are responsible. In the case of multiple activities on the same day, it will be the responsibility of the last group of the day to complete the checklist. For your reference, the activity calendar can be found on the landing page of this website.
- Obtaining the Duty Checklist;
- Conduct a recce of the building, including washrooms, and check for issues;
- Setting up the admin table on the parade square. If the Duty O doesn't arrive by 1800 hrs, this must be done by the first available staff mbr;
- Ensure classrooms are set up in a timely fashion;
- Monitoring all public areas of the building including both washrooms; and
- Ensuring the duty checklist is complete.
The Duty Flt schedule is defined in the Squadron Calendar. Four flights: Arrow, Sabre, Starfighter and Voodoo each take a turn being Duty Flt for a parade night. The Duty Cdt is determined by the Lvl 5 Trg O through a scheduled rotation of senior cadets. Hornet Flt is exempt from being Duty Flt, because it carries the responsibility of building cleanliness and security after every band practice.
The Duty Flt and Duty Cdts’ responsibilities don’t typically occur until after dismissal at which time, they are responsible for assisting with clean up and ensuring the building is secure.
The Duty O will handoff the checklist to the Duty Cdt. The Duty Flt will then ensure cleanliness of the building under the direction of the Duty Cdt. It is imperative that the Duty Flt remains until all tasks are complete. Once the Duty Cdt is satisfied, he/she can dismiss the Flt and then conduct a walk-around with the Duty O. Once the Duty O is satisfied, he/she can dismiss the Duty Cdt.
CAF Mbrs or CIs assigned as Duty O or OPI of an activity must stay until all cadets have left. For any CVs that are Duty O, this responsibility will fall to the CO or their designate.
Should the checklist not be completed correctly, the CO may assign Duty pers with a second consecutive parade night in order to correct deficiencies.
Copies of the checklist that must be followed can be found as an Annex to the Emergency and Security Orders Posted in Rm 203. An electronic copy is also available in the 'Forms and Files' section of this website.
The checklist must also be completed during any other activities that take place at Building 21. In these cases, the OPI of the activity and a designated senior cadet are responsible. In the case of multiple activities on the same day, it will be the responsibility of the last group of the day to complete the checklist. For your reference, the activity calendar can be found on the landing page of this website.
budget and Expense Reimbursement
Certain staff members have a budget allocated to them in order to carry out their responsibilities. Assignments and current balances can be found on the staff website or will be contained in admin instructions for a particular activity.
Any expenses outside of what have been allocated require prior approval by the CO in order to ensure they will fit within the budget.
Once approved, simply submit the original receipts for the purchase along with a brief explanation of the expense. Be sure to keep a photocopy of the receipts for your own records.
The CO will then forward the expense claim onto either RCSU (NW) or the SSC. Expect reimbursement to come in the form of a cheque from the SSC as soon as possible. Receipts must be submitted to the CO within 1 month of the activity.
Any expenses outside of what have been allocated require prior approval by the CO in order to ensure they will fit within the budget.
Once approved, simply submit the original receipts for the purchase along with a brief explanation of the expense. Be sure to keep a photocopy of the receipts for your own records.
The CO will then forward the expense claim onto either RCSU (NW) or the SSC. Expect reimbursement to come in the form of a cheque from the SSC as soon as possible. Receipts must be submitted to the CO within 1 month of the activity.
Communicating Announcements
When making announcements during closing parade, keep them brief. Consider using the white board in the south west corner of the parade square. Weekly practices can be posted there. For more lengthy and/or important announcements, consider posting to this website. Files and forms can be posted here as well.
All pers who wish to post announcements to this website must submit the announcement to the CO NLT dismissal on parade nights.
When compiling announcements keep the following best practices in mind:
All pers who wish to post announcements to this website must submit the announcement to the CO NLT dismissal on parade nights.
When compiling announcements keep the following best practices in mind:
- Ensure your announcement has a title.
- Announcements must convey essential information to the cadets. They must be professional and proof-read before they are sent out.
- Check to ensure the announcement has all the details the cadet may need (who, what, where, why, how, when….uniform/dress?).
- The exact announcement you send to the Comms O should be the one that gets published, so write accordingly. There should be no need for the Comms O to re-write any of it.
- Check for spelling and grammar.
- Remember that announcements are not emailed out. Rather, they get posted to the home page of this website. So don’t make reference to “this email” in your announcement.
- You may submit attachments which will be posted to the ‘Forms and Files’ section of this website. When referencing a form or file in your announcement, refer to it as “the form/file in the ‘Forms and Files’ section above” instead of “the form section on our website” (the user is already on the site when they’re reading it).
- Write in the 3rd person instead of the 1st person. Don’t use “me” (e.g. Contact me). Instead use your name (e.g. Contact Capt Tardi).
- Date format should be dd Mm YY or dd Mmm YYYY (13 Nov 16 or 13 November 2016) and time should be in 24 hr clock (1930 hrs).
- Don't publish announcements for weekly practices such as drill team, band, and biathlon, unless there is something different about that week (cancellation, etc). Instead, use the white board in the south west corner of the parade square.
Pay for all training and administration activities are subject to the approval of the CO. While every effort will be made to pay Est mbrs for each day they sign in, pay will normally be averaged to not exceed 2.5 days per month and only authorized between September and June. Should surplus days be realized at the end of the fiscal year (1 Apr), mbrs will then have an opportunity to sign-in for those surplus days on their March attendance register (DND 2893).
The total amount of paid days an Est mbr can be paid is not representative of the time required to be spent on squadron duties. It is expected that mbrs will be in attendance during parade nights and make every effort to attend regionally supported days and ACR. Mbrs may also be asked to supervise optional training. It is also expected that mbrs ensure that their respective departments and areas are running smoothly with all paperwork completed in a timely fashion so as to be of value.
Est mbrs are expected to sign in where possible, prior to all activities even if optional in nature. An attendance register will be printed for each mbr and posted on a Whirl board in Rm 203. Mbrs are to sign on the date line, but NOT indicate the duration. This will be completed by the CO at the end of the month along with the day sub-totals. Be sure to draw lines through the dates that are blank.
Once scanned and emailed to RCSU, completed attendance registers will be turned back to the mbr for their own records.
The total amount of paid days an Est mbr can be paid is not representative of the time required to be spent on squadron duties. It is expected that mbrs will be in attendance during parade nights and make every effort to attend regionally supported days and ACR. Mbrs may also be asked to supervise optional training. It is also expected that mbrs ensure that their respective departments and areas are running smoothly with all paperwork completed in a timely fashion so as to be of value.
Est mbrs are expected to sign in where possible, prior to all activities even if optional in nature. An attendance register will be printed for each mbr and posted on a Whirl board in Rm 203. Mbrs are to sign on the date line, but NOT indicate the duration. This will be completed by the CO at the end of the month along with the day sub-totals. Be sure to draw lines through the dates that are blank.
Once scanned and emailed to RCSU, completed attendance registers will be turned back to the mbr for their own records.
Cadet Promotion Procedure
Cadet promotions are actioned by the CO when notice is given in Fortress.
CO’s Parades
A minimum of 3 CO’s parades are conducted throughout the training year during 3rd period. The squadron practices drill for the first portion of the period and then takes a short break prior to the actual CO’s parade. The CO’s parade must commence NLT 2055 hrs to ensure completion prior to 2130 hrs.
fly schol
The Fly Schol (Flying Scholarship) program aims to prepare cadets to write the GPS/PPS entrance exams conducted in January. Cadets are responsible for obtaining their own books and supplies. Fly Schol is open to cadets who are in Level 3, 4 and 5, even if cadets don’t meet the prerequisites.
Drill Team
The drill team aims to develop drill skills in cadets and to determine the team composition for any drill competitions the squadron may partake in. The OIC Drill Team is responsible for conducting practices.
The biathlon program aims to familiarize cadets to the sport. The OIC Biathlon is responsible for conducting practices.
The marksmanship program aims to familiarize cadets to marksmanship. It also gives bi-athletes the opportunity to practice the marksmanship side of the biathlon sport. The OIC Marksmanship is responsible for conducting practices.
The band program aims to develop music skills in participants as well as practice the pieces played during parade nights. The band should also endeavor to perform in the community. The Band O is responsible for conducting practices.
Cadets may join the band at the Band O's discretion. However, the CO must be informed so that Fortress and the chain of command gets updated.
Cadets may join the band at the Band O's discretion. However, the CO must be informed so that Fortress and the chain of command gets updated.
Power Familiarization Flying
Power familiarization flying is conducted out of Harv’s Air St Andrews Airport using C172 aircraft. The SSC has an account with Harv’s and all flying must be paid for using that account. If the money is all spent, flights will cease until the account is replenished. The OIC Power Famil Flying is responsible for organizing flights.