PART 7 - Training SOPs
Typical Classroom Assignments
Drill - Parade square, or parking lot weather permitting;
Level 1 - Parade square;
Level 2 - 205A
Level 3 - 205B;
Level 4 - 206; and
Level 5 - 202.
Level 1 - Parade square;
Level 2 - 205A
Level 3 - 205B;
Level 4 - 206; and
Level 5 - 202.
Training Files
Training files containing completed assessments, TCSs or other training related documents must be kept for each cadet in the squadron. As cadets are taken on strength or struck off strength, the Trg O must add or remove files as necessary. There is no requirement to keep a cadet’s training file after he/she has been struck off strength.
Transfers from Other Units
The Trg O must coordinate with the Admin O to determine when transfers will be allowed to join the squadron. If the transfer is in level 5, the CO will determine where they fit in chain of command.
New Recruit Integration
The Trg O must coordinate with the Admin O to determine when new recruits will be allowed to join the squadron.
During opening and closing parade, the cadets will form up as one flight on the side of the parade square, under the direction of the Lvl 1 Trg O or their delegate (senior cadet). New recruits must parade as a separate flight until the Lvl 1 Trg O is satisfied that the cadets are ready to form up with a flight and conduct a march past. When they are ready, the Lvl 1 Trg O or their delegate (senior cadet) may show the cadet to their flight.
Cadets who are 13 years or older may be advanced to level 2 or 3 based on the following criteria:
Level 2 - 13 Years old if 14 before 1 Sep of the next training year; and
Level 3 - 14 Years old if 15 before 1 Sep of the next training year.
Cadets must first complete the following POs:
M107.03; and
PO 108.
Once a new recruit has completed the above POs, the Trg O must move applicable cadets to either level 2 or 3 based on the criteria above. The Trg O must also contact RCSU (NW) Air Trg Section (CC the CO and ACO) and request that the advancement be reflected in Fortress.
During opening and closing parade, the cadets will form up as one flight on the side of the parade square, under the direction of the Lvl 1 Trg O or their delegate (senior cadet). New recruits must parade as a separate flight until the Lvl 1 Trg O is satisfied that the cadets are ready to form up with a flight and conduct a march past. When they are ready, the Lvl 1 Trg O or their delegate (senior cadet) may show the cadet to their flight.
Cadets who are 13 years or older may be advanced to level 2 or 3 based on the following criteria:
Level 2 - 13 Years old if 14 before 1 Sep of the next training year; and
Level 3 - 14 Years old if 15 before 1 Sep of the next training year.
Cadets must first complete the following POs:
M107.03; and
PO 108.
Once a new recruit has completed the above POs, the Trg O must move applicable cadets to either level 2 or 3 based on the criteria above. The Trg O must also contact RCSU (NW) Air Trg Section (CC the CO and ACO) and request that the advancement be reflected in Fortress.
Training Level Quota
In order to manage growth and ensure supervision and instructor availability, proficiency levels 1 to 4 must not exceed 30 cadets. Exceptions to this rule include:
- Cadets wishing to transfer to 170 Squadron from another unit.
- Individuals whose siblings are already members.
- Any other situation determined by the CO.
PSRY Training
All level 1 and 4 cadets are required to complete PSRY training. If a cadet has not completed at least 60% of the modules, show the result as ‘Waivered’ in Fortress. The cadet will then need to complete those modules at a later date. The UCCMA will need to coordinate with the applicable Lvl Trg O of the affected cadet to get this accomplished.
Level Badges
Once all lessons have been taught IAW the UTP, the Trg O, with assistance from the Lvl Trg Os must distribute proficiency level badges to cadets who have qualified in their particular level.
Entering Training Results
The Trg O is be responsible for entering training results into Fortress. For POs that are not assessed, the results can be entered as soon as all the lessons are complete for that particular PO. For any POs that are assessed, the results must be entered as “Waiver” until the cadet has completed the assessment.
Assessors conducting level assessments must submit the completed assessment form to the Trg O. The Trg O will verify that the assessment is complete, enter the result into Fortress, and file the assessment form in the cadet’s training file.
When entering leadership assessments, ensure that all portions of the assessment have been completed. For the level 3 and 4 aviation confirmation activity, apply the same test result for all POs covered in the test.
The Trg O at his/her discretion, may choose to apply successful CTC PERs to outstanding level assessments. For example, if the cadet still needs to complete the PO 508 drill assessment and they attended the Drill and Ceremonial Instructor course, this assessment can be marked as complete, judging the level of difficulty off of the PER.
Staff Cadet PERs can be applied to leadership appointment assessments, but not the project or assignment assessments.
Assessors conducting level assessments must submit the completed assessment form to the Trg O. The Trg O will verify that the assessment is complete, enter the result into Fortress, and file the assessment form in the cadet’s training file.
When entering leadership assessments, ensure that all portions of the assessment have been completed. For the level 3 and 4 aviation confirmation activity, apply the same test result for all POs covered in the test.
The Trg O at his/her discretion, may choose to apply successful CTC PERs to outstanding level assessments. For example, if the cadet still needs to complete the PO 508 drill assessment and they attended the Drill and Ceremonial Instructor course, this assessment can be marked as complete, judging the level of difficulty off of the PER.
Staff Cadet PERs can be applied to leadership appointment assessments, but not the project or assignment assessments.
Cadet Attendance Issues
The QSP for each proficiency level indicates that cadets must be present for a minimum of 60% of all mandatory training. In the case of Level 1 cadets, the calculation is based on when the cadet is taken on strength. For example, if a cadet joins in February and attends at least 60% of the mandatory training, they will qualify. For levels 2, 3, and 4, this is calculated over the entire training year.
Throughout the training year, the Trg O must monitor attendance closely and periodically warn cadets who are not meeting the standard. This will ensure the cadet is given an opportunity to correct the situation. A report can be generated in Fortress to easily obtain the attendance data.
If a cadet does not meet the 60% minimum by the end of the training year, all POs that are not assessed must be entered as “Waiver” in Fortress. The cadet will advance a level in the next training year, but will not receive qualification or level badge until the next training year is complete.
If a Level 1 cadet does not qualify in Level 1, but subsequently attends GTC, the cadet can then be considered qualified. Enter all the level 1 training results as complete.
Level 3 and 4 are critical training years, where the cadet is transitioning to leader, instructor, and senior cadet. If the cadet misses a significant amount of mandatory training, he/she may face significant challenges if advanced to the next level. The cadet may remain in the same level for the next training year at the discretion of the Trg O.
Throughout the training year, the Trg O must monitor attendance closely and periodically warn cadets who are not meeting the standard. This will ensure the cadet is given an opportunity to correct the situation. A report can be generated in Fortress to easily obtain the attendance data.
If a cadet does not meet the 60% minimum by the end of the training year, all POs that are not assessed must be entered as “Waiver” in Fortress. The cadet will advance a level in the next training year, but will not receive qualification or level badge until the next training year is complete.
If a Level 1 cadet does not qualify in Level 1, but subsequently attends GTC, the cadet can then be considered qualified. Enter all the level 1 training results as complete.
Level 3 and 4 are critical training years, where the cadet is transitioning to leader, instructor, and senior cadet. If the cadet misses a significant amount of mandatory training, he/she may face significant challenges if advanced to the next level. The cadet may remain in the same level for the next training year at the discretion of the Trg O.
Training Counselling Sessions
Training Counselling Sessions (TCS) must be conducted by the Trg O if a deficiency exists in a cadet’s training such as a missing PO assessment or their attendance is below standard. In the case of attendance issues, an email can be sent in lieu of a TCS. Advise the cadet that they are entitled to a TCS.
Activity Planning and Execution
The activities we conduct at 170 Squadron serve to compliment the regular classroom training done during parade nights. They can offer some unique learning opportunities, can introduce cadets to things they’ve never seen before, and most important, are fun. For many cadets, these activities could be the whole reason they participate in the program. Activities take planning; sometimes a simple schedule to more complex requiring planning meetings, equipment, and transport. Planning takes time—months in some cases—so the pers responsible need to be aware of what is ahead.
Every activity starts with an approval from the CO in some form. In the case of any training specified in the UTP (parade nights/RSD), that approval has already taken place by the CO instructing the Trg O to develop the UTP and that UTP being approved by RCSU. In the case of regular optional training such as band practices, approval is granted every year when the CO publishes stand-up admin instructions. This instructions detail what is required to get the activity going and things to consider when conducting each activity. For all other adhoc optional activities, pers--be it cadets, staff, parents--need to submit a proposal to the CO either in writing or verbally. Once reviewed, the CO will advise if the activity may go ahead.
Every activity we conduct, no matter how large or small, requires some sort of plan in place. That plan could be as simple as a few lines of text in an email to a 50-page Op O. The goal is the same: to have a method to conduct the activity safely and to communicate this method to all stakeholders. In the case of RSDs, the activity OPI is required to submit a written plan to the CO in advance. This ensures the integrity of the activity and allows for the role of OPI to transition to other staff if required.
The standard planning format taught in all CIC courses is SMESC. SMESC stands for Situation, Mission, Execution, Service Support and Command and Signals.
The SMESC format is used to create an Op Order. See the attached example at the end of this section.
Planning of regionally supported days begins months in advance, when the Trg O creates the UTP and submits it to RCSU for approval. Details such as equipment, transport, and rations will all be entered. 3 months prior to the activity (longer if over summer, Christmas, and Spring Break stand-downs), the CO will send out Admin Instructions for the activity. The Admin Instructions will designate an OPI who's job it will be to plan the activity. These instructions will already contain the Situation and Mission, which the OPI must incorporate into their plan. There will likely be other instructions such as deadlines, dress instructions and safety considerations. Once the Admin Instr are received, the OPI must begin working on the plan.
Consult with the Lvl 5 Trg O to determine which senior cadets can form the project team. It will actually be the team who creates the plan and executes the activity, while the OPI manages the project. Senior cadets receive training similar to SMESC, but in more laymen's terms: 'What', 'Why', 'How', 'With What Resources', and 'Chain of Command'. As manager of the project, you must keep the team on track towards completion of the plan and execution of the activity. This will require meeting with the team on a regular basis. The CO will also expect updates on the project.
While the team is working on their plan, you should be working on your own plan in parallel. Regardless if the team creates a plan or not, ultimately as OPI you are still responsible for producing an activity plan to the CO. At the end of this section is an excerpt of the Lvl 5 IG containing activity planning information.
Other considerations to make when planning activities are:
In the case of regionally supported days, RCSU Trg Sp is responsible for coordinating most of the logistics for the activity. The information they have is derived from the UTP sent to them during the previous training year. They have a rough idea of how many participants, and what is required as far as equipment, transport, and rations. The Trg Sp team then takes this information and sends an ASR NLT 60 days prior to the activity to the various departments within RCSU to coordinate logistics. This ASR is also sent to the activity OPI. The OPI must review this ASR to ensure its accuracy and report any issues to RCSU Trg Sp. The OPI can save Trg Sp from hassle if activity changes are communicated prior to the ASR being distributed.
The Trg Sp NCM for 170 Squadron is listed on the staff website.
The OPI should get the following email traffic after the initial ASR:
These emails are saved in a folder in the group email box for reference. Upon completion of the activity, the OPI must submit a PAR to Trg Sp and CC the CO and ZTO. The PAR must be submitted NLT 7 days after the activity.
The OPI should also complete an AAR which could provide valuable feedback for the next activity.
Every activity starts with an approval from the CO in some form. In the case of any training specified in the UTP (parade nights/RSD), that approval has already taken place by the CO instructing the Trg O to develop the UTP and that UTP being approved by RCSU. In the case of regular optional training such as band practices, approval is granted every year when the CO publishes stand-up admin instructions. This instructions detail what is required to get the activity going and things to consider when conducting each activity. For all other adhoc optional activities, pers--be it cadets, staff, parents--need to submit a proposal to the CO either in writing or verbally. Once reviewed, the CO will advise if the activity may go ahead.
Every activity we conduct, no matter how large or small, requires some sort of plan in place. That plan could be as simple as a few lines of text in an email to a 50-page Op O. The goal is the same: to have a method to conduct the activity safely and to communicate this method to all stakeholders. In the case of RSDs, the activity OPI is required to submit a written plan to the CO in advance. This ensures the integrity of the activity and allows for the role of OPI to transition to other staff if required.
The standard planning format taught in all CIC courses is SMESC. SMESC stands for Situation, Mission, Execution, Service Support and Command and Signals.
- SITUATION: A short paragraph explaining why the training is taking place.
- MISSION: A concise sentence as to what training will take place, where and when.
- EXECUTION: Details including a general outline and groupings and tasks for the activity.
- SERVICE SUPPORT: Details other aspects of the plan including rations, transport, dress, etc.
- COMMAND AND SIGNALS: Gives the details of the chain of command for the activity. The CO is always the OIC and the person in charge of the activity itself is the OPI.
The SMESC format is used to create an Op Order. See the attached example at the end of this section.
Planning of regionally supported days begins months in advance, when the Trg O creates the UTP and submits it to RCSU for approval. Details such as equipment, transport, and rations will all be entered. 3 months prior to the activity (longer if over summer, Christmas, and Spring Break stand-downs), the CO will send out Admin Instructions for the activity. The Admin Instructions will designate an OPI who's job it will be to plan the activity. These instructions will already contain the Situation and Mission, which the OPI must incorporate into their plan. There will likely be other instructions such as deadlines, dress instructions and safety considerations. Once the Admin Instr are received, the OPI must begin working on the plan.
Consult with the Lvl 5 Trg O to determine which senior cadets can form the project team. It will actually be the team who creates the plan and executes the activity, while the OPI manages the project. Senior cadets receive training similar to SMESC, but in more laymen's terms: 'What', 'Why', 'How', 'With What Resources', and 'Chain of Command'. As manager of the project, you must keep the team on track towards completion of the plan and execution of the activity. This will require meeting with the team on a regular basis. The CO will also expect updates on the project.
While the team is working on their plan, you should be working on your own plan in parallel. Regardless if the team creates a plan or not, ultimately as OPI you are still responsible for producing an activity plan to the CO. At the end of this section is an excerpt of the Lvl 5 IG containing activity planning information.
Other considerations to make when planning activities are:
- Cadets with food/medical limitations. This information is available on Fortress. Some limitations may preclude a cadet from participating, so it is paramount that the information is review and that these limitations be followed. If an activity is being conducted and the limitation would prevent the cadet from participating, the cadet must be informed by the Trg O.
- What current directives (LHQ, RCSU, D Cdts) are there and how will they affect the activity?
- Attendance is mandatory for all regionally supported days except for gliding days.
- If only certain levels are required for an activity, the levels who are not attending must not be added to the attendance.
- If a level-specific activity negates cadets from attending a parade night (e.g. level tour on a different night), consider what the cadets will be missing by not attending that night. Are summer training forms due? Does the SSC require fund raising stuff to be turned in? Exempting cadets from parade nights could cause administrative issues that will need to be resolved.
- Consider the coordination required with external agencies. This should be one of the first tasks completed in planning as external agencies may need weeks, if not months’ notice.
- What equipment does the squadron already have and what equipment does the squadron need to obtain?
- Sign-up is important to get an accurate gauge of participation. It is often a requirement for RCSU Trg Sp as well.
- How are you mitigating safety risks? An emergency response plan must be created for all FTXs.
- When forming tasks, think who, what, where, when and with what resources.
- If equipment is obtained from CSG and/or if equipment is being moved from the LHQ for an activity, a tracking mechanism must be in place to track the equipment.
- DND 2299 and a CF 98 accident forms are available in the 'Forms and Files' page of this site.
- If a civilian has been invited to the Squadron as a guest speaker or to make a presentation, that individual will need to be added to the Wing Access Control List.
- Consider using the SSC for logistical support when not provided by RCSU; for example, meal transport when box lunches are provided.
- Outdoor activities on 17 Wing property (e.g. garbage pickup) need to be communicated to 17 Wing. This can start with an email or phone call to the WCO Asst, well in advance, to advise our intentions. 17 Wing property includes areas outside the security fence such as Bldg 90 and the Wing Chapel.
In the case of regionally supported days, RCSU Trg Sp is responsible for coordinating most of the logistics for the activity. The information they have is derived from the UTP sent to them during the previous training year. They have a rough idea of how many participants, and what is required as far as equipment, transport, and rations. The Trg Sp team then takes this information and sends an ASR NLT 60 days prior to the activity to the various departments within RCSU to coordinate logistics. This ASR is also sent to the activity OPI. The OPI must review this ASR to ensure its accuracy and report any issues to RCSU Trg Sp. The OPI can save Trg Sp from hassle if activity changes are communicated prior to the ASR being distributed.
The Trg Sp NCM for 170 Squadron is listed on the staff website.
The OPI should get the following email traffic after the initial ASR:
- CSG will send an email confirming equipment support if applicable;
- If applicable, RCSU Transport will send an email confirming transportation arrangements and send the booking documents;
- Finance will send misc booking info; and
- Finance or Trg Sp will then send a final activity approval about a week or two prior to the activity. A blank PAR will also be sent.
These emails are saved in a folder in the group email box for reference. Upon completion of the activity, the OPI must submit a PAR to Trg Sp and CC the CO and ZTO. The PAR must be submitted NLT 7 days after the activity.
The OPI should also complete an AAR which could provide valuable feedback for the next activity.