PART 8 - Admin SOPs
Weekly Routine
The following needs to be completed every parade night, preferably in this order:
- Check voicemail
- Ensure attendance is printed
- Email MROs if applicable
- Input attendance when completed
- Fortress notices (cadet absences, AVPIs, etc.)
- Other Fortress input
- Dead file management
Admin Files
All admin files are stored on the admin computer in the following directory:
X:\0170-air\02- Admin
X: is the network drive for the LHQs
X:\0170-air\02- Admin
X: is the network drive for the LHQs
Monthly Routine Orders
MROs are to be distributed on the first parade night of every month, except for July and August (summer stand-down). Email the orders to all staff, and the ZTO
DND 2399 folders
DND 2399 file folders must include the following:
Optional temporary documents include:
Temporary documents should be disposed of when no longer required.
Folders may also contain documents related to Conduct and Discipline which must be kept on file through to transfer to dead files and until the dead file is destroyed.
- CF 1158
- Copy of accepted birth certificate or other validation
- Copy of Manitoba Health Services Card (or other health insurance)
- Annual Validation of Personal Information (2nd year or higher)
- Summer Camp course reports
Optional temporary documents include:
- Offers of participation
Temporary documents should be disposed of when no longer required.
Folders may also contain documents related to Conduct and Discipline which must be kept on file through to transfer to dead files and until the dead file is destroyed.
Annual Validation of Personal Information
With the exception of new recruits, the personal information—and detailed health information if applicable-- of a cadet expires on 30 Nov of each year. An Annual Validation of Personal Information (AVPI) needs to be completed for every cadet between 1 Sep and 30 Nov. The form gets printed from Fortress. The cadet’s parent/guardian needs to review the information, note any changes, and sign the form. Make any noted changes to the information in Fortress, file the AVPI into the cadet’s DND 2399 folder, and remove any previous AVPIs.
Each parade night, advise cadets that have not turned in their AVPI, to turn it in NLT 30 Nov. Cadets who fail to turn the AVPI ( or DHQ if applicable) by 30 Nov will not be able to participate in RDA, NDA, or summer training.
In the interest of expediting the validation process, verbal confirmation (including over the phone) of AVPI from a parent/guardian is an acceptable means of validating information. Email confirmation will be accepted as well. If validation is done this way, sign the AVPI form and indicate the method that validation was obtained. DHQs must not be obtained this way due to the nature of the information being obtained.
Each parade night, advise cadets that have not turned in their AVPI, to turn it in NLT 30 Nov. Cadets who fail to turn the AVPI ( or DHQ if applicable) by 30 Nov will not be able to participate in RDA, NDA, or summer training.
In the interest of expediting the validation process, verbal confirmation (including over the phone) of AVPI from a parent/guardian is an acceptable means of validating information. Email confirmation will be accepted as well. If validation is done this way, sign the AVPI form and indicate the method that validation was obtained. DHQs must not be obtained this way due to the nature of the information being obtained.
The voicemail extension is 2555. The mailbox number and password will be provided as required. The standard greeting is input by the CO
It is the responsibility of the admin department to ensure attendance is taken on parade nights. Attendance for all other activities is the responsibility of the OPI for the given activity.
A sign-in table will be set up at the beginning of a parade night for cadets to sign in. This is done by the first officer to arrive.
Fortress will flag any cadet that has been absent for more than 30 days. There tends to be a great number of flags during periods of stand-down. As a rule, wait until the cadet is absent for more than 4 consecutive mandatory activities, then contact them via phone or email to find out their status. If no contact is made after one week of the initial attempt, call once more for verification and then strike the cadet off strength. Send an email to the cadet advising them that they have been struck off strength.
If cadets are attending other squadron activities on parade nights such as a tour, remove attendees for the activity from the parade night attendance. If cadets are attending RDA or NDA during a parade night, mark them excused absent.
If a cadet plans to be away for more than 30 days but less than 120 days, they must complete CATO 13-30 Annex A- Application for Excused Absence. Keep the form on file for the duration of the absence and input the absence in Fortress. This is only available for cadets that have been members for a year or longer and under 18 years of age. If the cadet is consistently excused, explore changing their status to an authorized extended period of absence.
Absences of 120 days or longer must be approved by RCSU. Have the CO sign the form and then forward it to RCSU for approval
A sign-in table will be set up at the beginning of a parade night for cadets to sign in. This is done by the first officer to arrive.
Fortress will flag any cadet that has been absent for more than 30 days. There tends to be a great number of flags during periods of stand-down. As a rule, wait until the cadet is absent for more than 4 consecutive mandatory activities, then contact them via phone or email to find out their status. If no contact is made after one week of the initial attempt, call once more for verification and then strike the cadet off strength. Send an email to the cadet advising them that they have been struck off strength.
If cadets are attending other squadron activities on parade nights such as a tour, remove attendees for the activity from the parade night attendance. If cadets are attending RDA or NDA during a parade night, mark them excused absent.
If a cadet plans to be away for more than 30 days but less than 120 days, they must complete CATO 13-30 Annex A- Application for Excused Absence. Keep the form on file for the duration of the absence and input the absence in Fortress. This is only available for cadets that have been members for a year or longer and under 18 years of age. If the cadet is consistently excused, explore changing their status to an authorized extended period of absence.
Absences of 120 days or longer must be approved by RCSU. Have the CO sign the form and then forward it to RCSU for approval
cadet promotions
Cadet promotions are initiated by the CO.
participation applications
It is the responsibility of admin to input participation applications to Fortress, including summer training and RDA. In the case of RDA, direction may come from OPIs or the CO to load specific cadets in.
Once offers come in for activities, print the offers and distribute to cadets on a parade night. If the cadets are absent, email the offer to them if possible.
Once answers come in, input them into Fortress and send the answer through ASAP. Verbal or email confirmation of the cadet’s answer is acceptable, however, the completed paper offer needs to be obtained eventually.
If a cadet applies for a national course, a national course application will need to be generated in Fortress and delivered to the cadet. Once complete, these forms need to be turned over to the CO.
In the case of regional summer training courses, cadets will need to be assigned a priority number. The priority number must be left blank and will be determined by the CO.
Once offers come in for activities, print the offers and distribute to cadets on a parade night. If the cadets are absent, email the offer to them if possible.
Once answers come in, input them into Fortress and send the answer through ASAP. Verbal or email confirmation of the cadet’s answer is acceptable, however, the completed paper offer needs to be obtained eventually.
If a cadet applies for a national course, a national course application will need to be generated in Fortress and delivered to the cadet. Once complete, these forms need to be turned over to the CO.
In the case of regional summer training courses, cadets will need to be assigned a priority number. The priority number must be left blank and will be determined by the CO.
participation evaluation reports
Every year in September, print off all PERs from the previous summer for course cadets and staff cadets. File the PERs in each cadet’s DND 2399 folder.
new recruit/transfer in
Most new recruits are processed on admin night at the beginning of the training year. However, many join on parade nights throughout the training year. Coordinate with the Trg O to determine a date where late joiners can sign up.
New Recruits will only be admitted if a CF 1158 is completed and a Manitoba Health Services number is provided. While a copy of a birth certificate or other proof of citizenship/residency is required, new recruits will be granted membership on the premise that said documentation will be provided at a later date. Follow up with the new recruit every week until the document is received.
1. The official identification documents accepted are as follows:
2. Have the parent fill out the form and provide them with a copy of the CF 1158 Additional Instructions document for reference. Ensure all required fields are complete, no medical specifics are written in (use DHQ instead), and the new recruit signs it. The form can also be filled out electronically. A Detailed Health Questionnaire (DND 2570) is required if a cadet answers “yes” to questions 1, 3, 4, and/or 5 of Section 7.
3. Photocopy the identification documents.
4. Review the form, sign it, and indicate the TOS date.
5. Ensure the Lvl 1 Trg O or a senior cadet is available to show the new recruit around.
6. Enter the information into Fortress. If the cadet is transferring from another unit, reactivate their file.
7. File away the DND 2399.
8. Deliver the CF 1158 to the CO for signing.
9. Advise all staff members and the SSC that the cadet has been taken on strength.
New Recruits will only be admitted if a CF 1158 is completed and a Manitoba Health Services number is provided. While a copy of a birth certificate or other proof of citizenship/residency is required, new recruits will be granted membership on the premise that said documentation will be provided at a later date. Follow up with the new recruit every week until the document is received.
1. The official identification documents accepted are as follows:
- Valid Canadian passport.
- Attestation or birth certificate issued by a Canadian provincial or territorial government or by the Government of Canada.
- Card, visa or permit issued by the Government of Canada authorizing the person to reside legally in Canada.
- Identification card issued by a Canadian provincial or territorial government, or by the Government of Canada.
2. Have the parent fill out the form and provide them with a copy of the CF 1158 Additional Instructions document for reference. Ensure all required fields are complete, no medical specifics are written in (use DHQ instead), and the new recruit signs it. The form can also be filled out electronically. A Detailed Health Questionnaire (DND 2570) is required if a cadet answers “yes” to questions 1, 3, 4, and/or 5 of Section 7.
3. Photocopy the identification documents.
4. Review the form, sign it, and indicate the TOS date.
5. Ensure the Lvl 1 Trg O or a senior cadet is available to show the new recruit around.
6. Enter the information into Fortress. If the cadet is transferring from another unit, reactivate their file.
7. File away the DND 2399.
8. Deliver the CF 1158 to the CO for signing.
9. Advise all staff members and the SSC that the cadet has been taken on strength.
sos/transfer out
1. Print a copy of the ‘Cadet Information Card’ from Fortress, file it in the cadet’s DND 2399 folder and place the folder with the dead files.
2. End the cadet’s membership in Fortress.
3. Advise all staff members and the SSC that the cadet has been struck off strength.
4. Follow the Cadet Transactions worksheet of the Admin Manager for further steps WRT disseminating the cadet’s information.
5. Dead files must be destroyed once the individual reaches their 25th birthday.
2. End the cadet’s membership in Fortress.
3. Advise all staff members and the SSC that the cadet has been struck off strength.
4. Follow the Cadet Transactions worksheet of the Admin Manager for further steps WRT disseminating the cadet’s information.
5. Dead files must be destroyed once the individual reaches their 25th birthday.