What's New
11 March 2020
- PART 3 - Administration > DRESS INSTRUCTIONS: Replaced CATO 55-04 with the CJCR Dress Instructions.
19 September 2018
- PART 1 - General > DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: Updated to reflect expanded role of OIC Communications
- PART 1 - General > DUTY FLIGHT: Hornet Flight is now required to perform the responsibilities of duty flight when scheduled
10 April 2018
- PART 1 - General > CANTEEN: Updated to include note that no food/drink allowed in classrooms.
4 March 2018
- PART 1 - General > DUTY FLIGHT: Vampire Flight is now required to perform the responsibilities of duty flight when scheduled.
- PART 3 - Administration > EQUIPMENT RESPONSIBILITY: Added details WRT signing for equipment.
4 February 2018
- ANNUAL REVIEW BY THE CO. Wholesale changes have been made and it is recommended that all pers review the SOM.
3 February 2018
- PART 3 - Administration > EQUIPMENT RESPONSIBILITY: Added details WRT using PSP equipment.
28 January 2018
- PART 1 - General > DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: Removed the requirement for leadership appointments to check mailboxes in office for correspondence.
- PART 1 - General > SALUTING ZONES AND PAYING OF COMPLIMENTS: Removed the requirement for instructors to call "Room" during class time.
21 January 2018
- PART 5 - Summer Training > COURSE DESCRIPTIONS: Now grouped by 'General Training', 'Basic', 'Intermediate' and 'Advanced'.
- PART 5 - Summer Training > DETERMINING PRIORITY: Clarification as to which updates may be refused by the CO.
19 January 2018
- PART 3 - Administration > DRESS INSTRUCTIONS: All CAF mbrs are to be in CADPAT during parade nights. During CO's parade, CIC Officers are to be in DEU.
2 January 2018
- PART 1 - General > HARASSMENT, CONDUCT AND DISCIPLINE: This is a new section.
- PART 3 - Administration > DRESS INSTRUCTIONS: Elaborated on hair and piercings regulations.
- PART 7 - Training SOPs > ACTIVITY PLANNING AND EXECUTION: Content added and revised.
12 December 2017
- PART 5 - Summer Training > APPLICATION AND SELECTION PROCESS FOR REGIONAL COURSES: Clarified form submission process.
- PART 5 - Summer Training > APPLICATION AND SELECTION PROCESS FOR NATIONAL COURSES: Clarified form submission process.
- PART 5 - Summer Training > SUMMER TRAINING FAQ: Q13 added.
5 December 2017
- PART 1 - General > DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: Removed requirement for W WO to report those on sick parade.
- PART 1 - General > DUTY FLIGHT: Flight Commander replaced with Duty Cadet.
- PART 6 - Adult Staff General Information > PARADE NIGHT AND SUNDAY DUTY: Renamed to 'PARADE NIGHT AND ACTIVITY DUTY' and location of checklist updated.
2 November 2017
- PART 7 - Training SOPs > ACTIVITY PLANNING AND EXECUTION: Content added and revised.
22 September 2017
- PART 1 - General > DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: Numerous changes made. All adult staff and senior cadets should review this section.
- PART 1 - General > DUTY FLIGHT: Flight Commander replaced with Duty Cadet.
- PART 4 - LHQ Training > PARADE NIGHT ROUTINE: Time now allotted for senior cadet announcements before closing parade.
- PART 4 - LHQ Training > INSTRUCTOR RESOURCES: Information on the WiFi network, Sqn shared drive, and lesson plan repository added.
- PART 6 - Adult Staff General Information > PARADE NIGHT AND SUNDAY DUTY: Updated how the Duty Cadet is determined.
1 September 2017
- PART 1 - General > CHAIN OF COMMAND: Removed reference to Syndicate Leader.
- PART 1 - General > DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: Removed Syndicate Leader position.
- PART 3 - Administration > ATTENDANCE: Changed what absent cadets should do.
- PART 3 - Administration > WEEKLY PHONE TREE: Removed. All cadets must check the website for information. Weekly announcement alerts will continue via email and Facebook.
- PART 4 - LHQ Training > LEADERSHIP APPOINTMENTS: Level 4 cadets no longer automatically given appointments.
- PART 4 - LHQ Training > MANDATORY VS OPTIONAL: Removed reference to Syndicate Leader.
- PART 6 - Adult Staff General Information > ACTIVITY SUPERVISION: Updated the reference.
10 July 2017
- PART 1 - General > DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: Staff now required until 2200 hrs only.
- PART 1 - General > DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: Staff are no longer required to provide a SITREP.
- PART 1 - General > DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: Admin O not required to draft Admin Night Instr.
- PART 1 - General > RECYCLING: Updated direction WRT recycling.
- PART 3 - Administration > DRESS INSTRUCTIONS: Added note that uniforms must be cleaned, ironed, in good repair, and that their boots are clean and polished. Also mentioned that CVs/CIs must wear the issued collared shirt.
- PART 4 - LHQ Training > PARADE NIGHT ROUTINE: Removed senior cadet fall-in. This is at the discretion of the W Comd.
- PART 6 - Adult Staff General Information > EMERGENCY AND SECURITY ORDERS: Updated document location.
- PART 6 - Adult Staff General Information > ACTIVITY SUPERVISION: Updated the reference.
- PART 6 - Adult Staff General Information > PARADE NIGHT AND SUNDAY DUTY: Duty O no longer required to find tasks for senior cadets or deal with sick/injured cadets.
- PART 6 - Adult Staff General Information > COMMUNICATING ANNOUNCEMENTS: Announcements must now be sent to the CO NLT dismissal on Fridays. The CO will then forward them onto the Comms O.
2 April 2017
- PART 3 - Administration > DRESS INSTRUCTIONS: Clarification as to the purpose has been added to the beginning, as well as direction on hair and ball/wool caps.
- PART 5 - Summer Training > SUMMER TRAINING FAQ: Answer 1 revised to include note about ID and luggage.
7 March 2017
- PART 1 - General > DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: Revised W Comd responsibilities.
- PART 4 - LHQ Training > PARADE NIGHT ROUTINE: Amended to reflect more flexibility in activities between 1830 and 1905 hrs.
17 February 2017
- PART 1 - General > FACILITY CLEANLINESS: Added note about lead pellets.
3 February 2017
- PART 1 - General > CHAIN OF COMMAND: Removed note about Flag Party members.
- PART 1 - General > DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: Revised Wing Warrant Officer, Flag Party and Hornet Flight Commander responsibilities and added Drum Major and Flag Party Positions.
- PART 1 - General > AED, FIRST AID, AND URGENCY KITS: Renamed to AED and FIRST AID and removed reference to urgency kit.
- PART 3 - Administration > WEEKLY PHONE TREE: Further guidance on consequences added.
- PART 4 - LHQ Training > CADET PICK-UP TIMES: Section added.
- PART 5 - Summer Training > DETERMINING PRIORITY: Criteria updated.
12 January 2017
- PART 1 - General > DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: Revised reference to 'mailbox in training office' to read 'mailbox in office'.
5 January 2017
- PART 1 - General > DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: Added the Flight Adjutant position
- PART 5 - Summer Training > SUMMER TRAINING FAQ: Q10 edited.
12 December 2016
- PART 7 - Training SOPs > ACTIVITY PLANNING AND EXECUTION: Further direction given regarding ASRs.
11 December 2016
- PART 5 - Summer Training > SUMMER TRAINING EXPLAINED: Content added
- PART 5 - Summer Training > COURSE DESCRIPTIONS: Location of courses added
- PART 5 - Summer Training > SUMMER TRAINING FAQ: Questions added
27 November 2016
- PART 1 - General > DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: Update regarding supervision
- PART 3 - Administration > INJURIES AND ILLNESS: Updates regarding injured cadets
- PART 3 - Administration > DRESS INSTRUCTIONS: Updates regarding boots and ties made
- PART 3 - Administration > EQUIPMENT RESPONSIBILITY: Renamed to 'EQUIPMENT' and Language simplified
- PART 5 - Summer Training > COURSE DESCRIPTIONS: Section added
- PART 5 - Summer Training > DETERMINING PRIORITY: Section added
- PART 5 - Summer Training > SUMMER TRAINING FAQ: Questions added
- PART 6 - Adult Staff General Information > OFFICE SECURITY: Renamed to 'EMERGENCY AND SECURITY ORDERS' and content simplified
- PART 6 - Adult Staff General Information > ACTIVITY SUPERVISION: Information added
- PART 6 - Adult Staff General Information > PARADE NIGHT AND SUNDAY DUTY: Updated to reflect new spot for checklist
- PART 6 - Adult Staff General Information > COMMUNICATING ANNOUNCEMENTS: Updated
20 November 2016
- PART 7 - Training SOPs > ACTIVITY PLANNING AND EXECUTION: Content added and revised.
17 November 2016
- PART 1 - General > DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: Senior cadets not tasked with instructing must now check with the Lvl 5 Trg O for parade night taskings
- PART 1 - General > VISITORS UNDER 18 simply changed to 'VISITORS" and language was simplified
- PART 3 - Administration > WEEKLY PHONE TREE: Further guidance on best practices added
- PART 6 - Adult Staff General Information > COMMUNICATING ANNOUNCEMENTS: Further guidance and best practices added
20 October 2016
- PART 1 - General > DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: CO now responsible for submitting access lists to 17 Wing.
- PART 8 - Admin SOPs > WING ACCESS LISTS: section removed.
16 October 2016
- PART 3 - Administration > WEEKLY PHONE TREE: Phone tree instructions and checklist that were previously emailed out every week have been added to this section.
26 September 2016
- PART 1 - General > DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: Admin O must check Sqn voicemail during parade nights and contact cadets who are absent unexcused (may be delegated to a senior cadet).
- PART 6 - Adult Staff General Information > PARADE NIGHT AND SUNDAY DUTY: Duty checklist moved to the 'Forms' section of this website.
- PART 8 - Admin SOPs: has been added.
15 September 2016
- PART 1 - General > DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: Wholesale changes were made to this section. All adult staff and senior cadets must review this section and become re-acquainted with their responsibilities.
- PART 1 - General > FUNDRAISING: This section has been added.
- PART 3 - Administration > DRESS INSTRUCTIONS: Wholesale changes were made to this section. All pers must review this section and become re-acquainted with the dress instructions. One notable change is new recruits will be allowed to wear incomplete uniforms during parade nights. The rationale is to get cadets into at least part of the uniform as soon as possible, rather than waiting up to a couple of months for the entire order to arrive. The Sup O has discretion on deciding what initially gets issued and what the new recruit should wear.