PART 1 - General
In order to provide leadership opportunities for the more senior cadets and to structure communication within the squadron, we employ a chain of command. If cadets have a question, concern, or need to pass along an absence, the first point of contact is the Flight Commander or first level above in the chain. They should be able to help with most, if not all issues.
If there seems to be issues with this chain of command which aren’t being addressed by Flight Commander, etc, please click on the 'Contact Us' button above and advise us of the issue.
The chain of command diagram can be found by visiting the following link:
Positions such as W Dep Comd, W WO, Sqn WO, and Flt 2IC are meant to act as assistants to the positions directly above them. Cadets in the higher position must not delegate all responsibilities, but rather share responsibilities.
If there seems to be issues with this chain of command which aren’t being addressed by Flight Commander, etc, please click on the 'Contact Us' button above and advise us of the issue.
The chain of command diagram can be found by visiting the following link:
Positions such as W Dep Comd, W WO, Sqn WO, and Flt 2IC are meant to act as assistants to the positions directly above them. Cadets in the higher position must not delegate all responsibilities, but rather share responsibilities.
All officers, CIs, CVs and cadets are personally responsible for the execution of duties assigned to them by higher authority. Individuals holding supervisory positions, in turn, are responsible for assigning and supervising the duties of their subordinates.
All CIC members and CIs on the squadron establishment are expected to be on duty on parade nights from 1800 - 2200 hrs or at a time agreed upon with the CO. If unable to be present on a parade night or other scheduled, activity the CO must be informed as far in advance as possible. In order to manage paid days, staff may be ordered by the CO to stand down for a particular activity.
During parade nights:
The responsibilities listed below represent what would be encountered on a regular basis. The CO will from time-to-time assign other responsibilities deemed necessary to achieve objectives. This includes temporary “acting” assignments where a member will take on all the responsibilities of an absent staff member.
WRT Fortress, the Admin O or his/her assistant is the primary person to make changes to all sections of Fortress except for local training results, which are entered by the Trg O and flt/parade appointment changes and promotions, which will be entered by the CO. No other staff member should be required to make any changes to Fortress.
Responsibilities for each position can be found below. Cross reference with the chain of command in the section above.
In addition to the responsibilities listed for all adult staff primary duties, pers must:
Reports To: RCSU (NW) OIC Air Training
Immediate Subordinate(s): W Comd / Trg O / Sp NCM / Admin O / Sup O
Establishment Position: Yes
Reports To: CO
Immediate Subordinate(s): All level training officers.
Establishment Position: Yes
Reports To: Training Officer
Immediate Subordinate(s): None
Establishment Position: Yes
Reports To: Training Officer
Immediate Subordinate(s): None
Establishment Position: Yes
Reports To: Training Officer
Immediate Subordinate(s): None
Establishment Position: Yes
Reports To: Training Officer
Immediate Subordinate(s): None
Establishment Position: Yes
Reports To: Training Officer
Immediate Subordinate(s): None
Establishment Position: Yes
Reports To: CO
Immediate Subordinate(s): Admin Asst
Establishment Position: Yes
Reports To: Admin O
Immediate Subordinate(s): None
Establishment Position: No (must be CAF mbr or DND Civ employee)
Reports To: CO
Immediate Subordinate(s): Sup Asst
Establishment Position: Yes
Reports To: Sup O
Immediate Subordinate(s): None
Establishment Position: No
Reports To: CO
Immediate Subordinate(s): None
Establishment Position: No (must be Reg F mbr)
All staff members assigned secondary duties or other optional positions report to the CO, generally do not have any immediate subordinates and can either hold a position on the Sqn establishment or be a volunteer.
Reports To: CO
Immediate Subordinate(s): W Dep Comd/ W WO/ Sqn Comds
Reports To: W Comd
Immediate Subordinate(s): W WO/ Sqn Comds
Reports To: W Comd
Immediate Subordinate(s): FP Comd/ Hornet Flt Comd
Reports To: W Comd
Immediate Subordinate(s)- Avenger Sqn: Arrow Flt Comd/ Starfighter Flt Comd
Immediate Subordinate(s)- Hercules Sqn: Sabre Flt Comd/ Voodoo Flt Comd
Reports To: Sqn Comd
Immediate Subordinate(s): Flt Comds except for Hornet Flt
Reports To: W WO
Immediate Subordinate(s): FP members
Flag Party members are appointed by the Flag Party Commander after attending tryouts, which are held once every year, usually in January. They are not primary leadership appointments. FP Mbrs are temporarily assigned to Vampire Flight and are under the command of the FP Comd. Once their term is up, FP Mbrs return to their previous flight, unless otherwise appointed by the CO. Spares may also be chosen, but will remain with their substantive flight and only called upon as required during parade nights. Only cadets in levels 1 to 3 are permitted to try out to be a member of the Flag Party and are only permitted to serve a maximum of one year.
Reports To: W WO
Immediate Subordinate(s): Hornet Flt 2IC/ Hornet Flt Syn Leads
The Drum Major is appointed by the Hornet Flight Commander after attending tryouts, which are held once every year, usually in January. It is not a primary leadership appointment. The DM is only permitted to serve a maximum of one year.
Arrow/ Starfighter Flt Comds Report To: Avenger Sqn Comd
Sabre/ Voodoo Flt Comds Report To: Hercules Sqn Comd
Immediate Subordinate(s): Flt 2IC/Flt mbrs
Reports To: Flt Comd
Immediate Subordinate(s): Flt mbrs
Reports To: Flt Comd
Immediate Subordinate(s): Nil
All CIC members and CIs on the squadron establishment are expected to be on duty on parade nights from 1800 - 2200 hrs or at a time agreed upon with the CO. If unable to be present on a parade night or other scheduled, activity the CO must be informed as far in advance as possible. In order to manage paid days, staff may be ordered by the CO to stand down for a particular activity.
During parade nights:
- All staff including senior cadets and adult staff, are expected to carry out their responsibilities for the duration of the night, except during closing parade when all staff should be present, or when otherwise tasked by the CO (eg Duty O). Lvl Trg Os must sit in on lessons.
- Adult staff holding primary duties are also expected to participate in staff meetings as required.
- Lvl Trg Os may use the time before 1905 or during 1 of the 3 periods (2 if needed, but not ideal) to conduct any administrative tasks such as email.
- Senior cadets who are not tasked to instruct must check with the Lvl 5 Trg O or Trg O to determine their role for the evening. If you find yourself doing school homework during a parade night or activity, consider simply staying home to allow yourself to maintain your focus.
- While the temptation is there to socialize with peers after a week of being away from each other, for just a few hours, senior cadets and adult staff need to focus on supervising junior cadets to maintain safety, stay on task, and ensure learning takes place. Spread out and monitor all parts of the building including the change rooms. The 15 and 5 minute breaks are not opportunities to let one's guard down and relax. We need to maintain that supervision throughout the breaks, the classes, and until the junior cadets go home.
The responsibilities listed below represent what would be encountered on a regular basis. The CO will from time-to-time assign other responsibilities deemed necessary to achieve objectives. This includes temporary “acting” assignments where a member will take on all the responsibilities of an absent staff member.
WRT Fortress, the Admin O or his/her assistant is the primary person to make changes to all sections of Fortress except for local training results, which are entered by the Trg O and flt/parade appointment changes and promotions, which will be entered by the CO. No other staff member should be required to make any changes to Fortress.
Responsibilities for each position can be found below. Cross reference with the chain of command in the section above.
In addition to the responsibilities listed for all adult staff primary duties, pers must:
- Be available for parade nights from 1800 to 2200 hrs.
- Monitor and staff websites on a regular basis.
- Participate in weekly staff meetings as required.
- Participate in regionally supported days when required.
- Assist with office cleanliness and security.
- Periodically act as Duty O.
- Monitor CCO email at least 2 times throughout the week while not on duty.
- Check mailbox in the office for correspondence.
- Familiarize yourself will all Sqn orders and directives.
- Instruct lessons as directed by the Trg O.
- Manage a budget if assigned.
Reports To: RCSU (NW) OIC Air Training
Immediate Subordinate(s): W Comd / Trg O / Sp NCM / Admin O / Sup O
Establishment Position: Yes
- Be the OPI during parade nights.
- Monitor the group mailbox in Outlook and disseminate correspondence to appropriate personnel.
- Maintain the ’01- Unit Library’ folder in the Sqn shared drive.
- Distribute orders and instructions for relevant activities.
- Coordinate with external stakeholders such as 17 Wing, RCSU, SSC, and the ACL.
- Assign duties to staff members.
- Mentor the W Comd.
- Forward CIC promotion and course nominations to RCSU.
- Forward CIC/CI pay sheets to RCSU.
- Give orientations to new staff members.
- Forward applications to RCSU for new CVs, CIs and CIC.
- Act as the contact officer during summer stand-down.
- As required, initiate procedures WRT CATO 15-22: Conduct and Discipline- Cadets.
- Chair weekly staff meetings.
- Ensure LHQ security including office door codes.
- Be the SCA holder.
- Manage the Sqn budget.
- Initiate cadet promotions and input them into Fortress.
- Assign parade appointments to cadets and input them into Fortress. Update the Chain of Command document as required.
- Monitor senior cadets numbers within flights and periodically make changes as required advising all stakeholders.
- Manage permissions and Sqn information in Fortress.
- Enter activities into Fortress.
- Order PP&S.
- Brief cadets new to leadership appointments on their responsibilities.
- Update and websites and the Sqn Facebook page.
Reports To: CO
Immediate Subordinate(s): All level training officers.
Establishment Position: Yes
- *The Trg O may choose to delegate any of these responsibilities to a Lvl Trg O, provided the delegate has the required knowledge and availability.
- Manage and ensure completion of all mandatory and complimentary training within the Sqn.
- Develop the UTP annually.
- Participate in the RCSU UTP sessions if conducted.
- Assign instructors to all lessons specified in the UTP. Adult staff including the CO may be utilized if warranted.
- Maintain the training schedule on the website (Google Document).
- Enter training results for all levels into Fortress.
- Generate training qualifications in Fortress. Ensure the effective date is on the day that the cadet completes all the requirements.
- Maintain paper cadet training files separate from pers files.
- In coordination with the Sup O, distribute proficiency level and fitness badges.
- Draft orders/plans for all relevant regionally supported activities and any training activities conducted on parade nights or other times during the week. For example, level tours or marksmanship nights. Submit orders to the CO for final approval.
- Regularly monitor cadet attendance and advise those who are not meeting the standard.
- Update the Sqn Google Calendar as required for all Sqn mandatory and complimentary training activities.
- Review all training assessments conducted by Lvl Trg Os.
- Conduct TCSs where required (except for WO1/WO2 promotions).
- Maintain the ’04- Training’ folder in the Sqn shared drive.
- Coordinate with the Lvl 5 Trg O to complete PO 503 and 509 assessments.
- Regularly monitor instructors, including both cadets and adult staff, and provide feedback as required.
- Any other responsibilities deemed necessary by the CO.
Reports To: Training Officer
Immediate Subordinate(s): None
Establishment Position: Yes
- *Lvl Trg O duties may be combined depending on staff availability.
- Familiarize yourself with the Level 1 QSP, Level 1 training schedule, and all RSAs pertaining to Level 1 cadets.
- Monitor Level 1 lessons during parade nights. Report any instructor deficiencies to the Trg O for further action.
- Ensure new recruits are looked after on their first few parade nights. Coordinate with the Trg O to determine when they are ready to be integrated into their flights.
- Any other responsibilities deemed necessary by the Trg O or CO.
Reports To: Training Officer
Immediate Subordinate(s): None
Establishment Position: Yes
- *Lvl Trg O duties may be combined depending on staff availability.
- Familiarize yourself with the Level 2 QSP, Level 2 training schedule, and all RSAs pertaining to Level 2 cadets.
- Monitor Level 2 lessons during parade nights. Report any instructor deficiencies to the Trg O for further action.
- Any other responsibilities deemed necessary by the Trg O or CO.
Reports To: Training Officer
Immediate Subordinate(s): None
Establishment Position: Yes
- *Lvl Trg O duties may be combined depending on staff availability.
- Familiarize yourself with the Level 3 QSP, Level 3 training schedule, and all RSAs pertaining to Level 3 cadets.
- Monitor Level 3 lessons during parade nights. Report any instructor deficiencies to the Trg O for further action.
- Conduct all required assessments for Level 3 cadets. Ensure cadets are briefed well WRT how the assessments are conducted and what is expected of them. Forward training results to the Trg O.
- Any other responsibilities deemed necessary by the Trg O or CO.
Reports To: Training Officer
Immediate Subordinate(s): None
Establishment Position: Yes
- *Lvl Trg O duties may be combined depending on staff availability.
- Familiarize yourself with the Level 4 QSP, Level 4 training schedule, and all RSAs pertaining to Level 4 cadets.
- Monitor Level 4 lessons during parade nights. Report any instructor deficiencies to the Trg O for further action.
- With the exception of parade positions assigned by the CO, provide suitable leadership appointments to Level 4 cadets at their request.
- Conduct all required assessments for Level 4 cadets. The leadership appointment portion of the PO 403 assessment may be delegated to superiors within the cadet’s chain of command provided the individual is well versed in the instructions of the assessment. Ensure cadets are briefed well WRT how the assessments are conducted and what is expected of them. Forward training results to the Trg O.
- Any other responsibilities deemed necessary by the Trg O or CO.
Reports To: Training Officer
Immediate Subordinate(s): None
Establishment Position: Yes
- *Lvl Trg O duties may be combined depending on staff availability.
- Familiarize yourself with the Level 5 QSP, Level 5 training schedule, and all RSAs pertaining to Level 5 cadets.
- Instruct all lessons as part of the proficiency Level 5 training program.
- Mentor cadets through the proficiency Level 5 training program.
- With the exception of parade positions assigned by the CO, provide suitable leadership appointments to Level 5 cadets at their request.
- Maintain a Duty Cadet schedule.
- Monitor cadet’s progress for POs 501, 502, 504, and 514. Forward training results to the Trg O.
- Coordinate with the Trg O to complete PO 503 and 509 assessments.
- Ensure cadets are briefed well WRT how assessment are conducted and what is expected of them. Forward training results to the Trg O.
- Any other responsibilities deemed necessary by the Trg O or CO.
Reports To: CO
Immediate Subordinate(s): Admin Asst
Establishment Position: Yes
- *If an Admin Asst is not appointed, the Admin O will assume all duties of the Admin Asst.
- Manage the admin department of the Sqn.
- Distribute MROs to adult staff, W Comd, and Zone Trg O.
- Action cadet transactions including processing new recruits, transfers, and ending membership. Ensure transactions are reflected in Fortress. Advise adult staff, W Comd and SSC via email of all TOS/SOS cadet transactions.
- Maintain cadet personal information in Fortress.
- Action any notices on Fortress dashboard with the exception of promotions which will be initiated by the CO.
- Enter participation applications in Fortress--including CTCs, RDAs, and NDAs--and action offers of participation.
- Maintain cadet personnel files, including dead files.
- Destroy expired protected information, including dead files where the individual has reached their 25th birthday.
- Maintain the ‘02- Admin’ folder in the Sqn shared drive.
- Determine status of any cadets who have been absent for an extended period of time.
- Check Sqn voicemail during parade nights.
- Contact cadets who are absent unexcused (you may delegate this task to a senior cadet).
- Assign cadets to flights. Monitor flight numbers and make periodic changes as required to keep the size of flights even.
- Send updated Wing access lists to 17 Wing.
- Any other responsibilities deemed necessary by the CO.
Reports To: Admin O
Immediate Subordinate(s): None
Establishment Position: No (must be CAF mbr or DND Civ employee)
- *If an Admin Asst is not appointed, the Admin O will assume all duties of the Admin Asst.
- Fortress entry including attendance TOS/SOS, info changes, etc.
- Action requests for Fortress reports or queries. Requests will be actioned only if from adult staff members, Flt Comds (phone lists only), or the individual/guardian thereof affected.
- Document filing.
- Any other responsibilities deemed necessary by the Admin O or CO.
Reports To: CO
Immediate Subordinate(s): Sup Asst
Establishment Position: Yes
- Manage the supply department of the Sqn.
- Size cadets for uniforms and place orders as necessary.
- Manage Sqn Logistikunicorp account.
- Maintain a clothing inventory.
- Order badges as necessary. Ensure you always have enough on hand for promotions and proficiency level qualifications. For example, have enough FCpl badges/slip-ons to promote 20 Cpls.
- Maintain the ‘03- Supply’ folder in the Sqn shared drive.
- Any other responsibilities deemed necessary by the CO.
Reports To: Sup O
Immediate Subordinate(s): None
Establishment Position: No
- Size cadets for uniforms.
- Any other responsibilities deemed necessary by the Sup O or CO.
Reports To: CO
Immediate Subordinate(s): None
Establishment Position: No (must be Reg F mbr)
- Provide assistance and guidance WRT drill, dress, and deportment.
- Provide guidance WRT 17 Wing policies and procedures and the various units within 17 Wing.
- Any other responsibilities deemed necessary by the CO.
All staff members assigned secondary duties or other optional positions report to the CO, generally do not have any immediate subordinates and can either hold a position on the Sqn establishment or be a volunteer.
- Provide assistance with cadet conflict.
- Track progress of individual PSRY training.
- Advise Trg O when individuals have completed PSRY training.
- Assist with the delivery of PSRY training.
- Publish announcements to the website once per week.
- Collect staff announcements on behalf of the CO on a weekly basis.
- Put up any posters distributed to the Sqn.
- Collect mail on behalf of the Sqn on a weekly basis.
- Any other responsibilities deemed necessary by the CO.
- Facilitate weekly band practices.
- Seek out opportunities for the Sqn band to perform in the community.
- Determine equipment/logistical needs and advise the CO.
- In coordination with the Sup O, distribute music level badges.
- Any other responsibilities deemed necessary by the CO.
- Manage the Sqn’s marksmanship team.
- Facilitate regular marksmanship practices.
- In coordination with the Sup O, distribute marksmanship level badges.
- Any other responsibilities deemed necessary by the CO.
- Manage the Sqn’s biathlon team.
- Facilitate regular biathlon practices.
- Any other responsibilities deemed necessary by the CO.
- Manage the Sqn’s drill team including team and commander tryouts.
- Facilitate regular drill team practices.
- Any other responsibilities deemed necessary by the CO.
- Request approval annually from RCSU (NW) to conduct power famil flying.
- Organize regular power famil flights throughout the TY IAW the approved plan.
- Provide power famil flying statistical reports to [email protected]. CC the CO and Zone Trg O.
- Advise the CO of the cost of each power famil flying activity.
- Track PFP currency and logbook/document scans and advise PFPs of any currency lapse.
- Maintain the ‘05- Famil Flying’ folder in the Sqn shared drive.
- Any other responsibilities deemed necessary by the CO.
- Group award leader for 170 Sqn.
- Manage all cadet’s progress in the award program.
- Liaison between the sqn and the Duke of Edinburgh award provincial office.
- Encourage cadet participation in the award program.
- Any other responsibilities deemed necessary by the CO.
- Be a liaison between the Sqn and 17 Wing.
- Facilitate tours of various facilities at 17 Wing.
Reports To: CO
Immediate Subordinate(s): W Dep Comd/ W WO/ Sqn Comds
- Lead, mentor subordinates and provide a good example to them.
- Facilitate weekly meetings with wing appointments.
- Direct activities between 1830 and 1905 hrs on parade nights.
- Be available to communicate with your chain of command outside of Sqn activities.
- Instruct lessons as required by the Trg O.
- Distribute orders and directives issued from the CO.
- Find temporary replacements to absent subordinates.
- Participate in WO2 and WO1 review boards.
- Any other responsibilities deemed necessary by the CO.
Reports To: W Comd
Immediate Subordinate(s): W WO/ Sqn Comds
- Lead, mentor subordinates and provide a good example to them.
- Be available to communicate with your chain of command outside of Sqn activities.
- Instruct lessons as required by the Trg O.
- Any other responsibilities deemed necessary by the W Comd or the CO.
Reports To: W Comd
Immediate Subordinate(s): FP Comd/ Hornet Flt Comd
- Lead, mentor subordinates and provide a good example to them.
- Be available to communicate with your chain of command outside of Sqn activities.
- Instruct lessons as required by the Trg O.
- Find temporary replacements to absent subordinates.
- Any other responsibilities deemed necessary by the W Comd or the CO.
Reports To: W Comd
Immediate Subordinate(s)- Avenger Sqn: Arrow Flt Comd/ Starfighter Flt Comd
Immediate Subordinate(s)- Hercules Sqn: Sabre Flt Comd/ Voodoo Flt Comd
- Lead, mentor subordinates and provide a good example to them.
- Be available to communicate with your chain of command outside of Sqn activities.
- Instruct lessons as required by the Trg O.
- Find temporary replacements to absent subordinates.
- Any other responsibilities deemed necessary by the W Comd or the CO.
Reports To: Sqn Comd
Immediate Subordinate(s): Flt Comds except for Hornet Flt
- Lead, mentor subordinates and provide a good example to them.
- Be available to communicate with your chain of command outside of Sqn activities.
- Assist the Sqn Comd.
- Instruct lessons as required by the Trg O (only if in level 5).
- Any other responsibilities deemed necessary by the Sqn Comd or the CO.
Reports To: W WO
Immediate Subordinate(s): FP members
- Lead and mentor subordinates.
- Be available to communicate with your chain of command outside of Sqn activities.
- Conduct annual FP tryouts.
- Find temporary replacements to absent FP members.
- Instruct lessons as required by the Trg O (only if in level 5).
- Any other responsibilities deemed necessary by the W WO or the CO.
Flag Party members are appointed by the Flag Party Commander after attending tryouts, which are held once every year, usually in January. They are not primary leadership appointments. FP Mbrs are temporarily assigned to Vampire Flight and are under the command of the FP Comd. Once their term is up, FP Mbrs return to their previous flight, unless otherwise appointed by the CO. Spares may also be chosen, but will remain with their substantive flight and only called upon as required during parade nights. Only cadets in levels 1 to 3 are permitted to try out to be a member of the Flag Party and are only permitted to serve a maximum of one year.
Reports To: W WO
Immediate Subordinate(s): Hornet Flt 2IC/ Hornet Flt Syn Leads
- Lead, mentor subordinates and provide a good example to them.
- Be available to communicate with your chain of command outside of Sqn activities.
- Conduct band practices under the guidance of the Band O
- Find temporary replacements to absent subordinates.
- Instruct lessons as required by the Trg O (only if in level 5).
- Any other responsibilities deemed necessary by the W WO or the CO.
- Conduct annual Drum Major tryouts.
The Drum Major is appointed by the Hornet Flight Commander after attending tryouts, which are held once every year, usually in January. It is not a primary leadership appointment. The DM is only permitted to serve a maximum of one year.
Arrow/ Starfighter Flt Comds Report To: Avenger Sqn Comd
Sabre/ Voodoo Flt Comds Report To: Hercules Sqn Comd
Immediate Subordinate(s): Flt 2IC/Flt mbrs
- Lead, mentor subordinates and provide a good example to them.
- Be available to communicate with your chain of command outside of Sqn activities.
- If approved by the CO, conduct flight meetings.
- Find temporary replacements to absent subordinates.
- Instruct lessons as required by the Trg O (only if in level 5).
- Any other responsibilities deemed necessary by the Sqn Comd or the CO.
Reports To: Flt Comd
Immediate Subordinate(s): Flt mbrs
- Lead, mentor subordinates and provide a good example to them.
- Be available to communicate with your chain of command outside of Sqn activities.
- Assist the Flt Comd.
- Instruct lessons as required by the Trg O (only if in level 5).
- Any other responsibilities deemed necessary by the Flt Comd or the CO.
Reports To: Flt Comd
Immediate Subordinate(s): Nil
- The role of Flight Adjutant is reserved for senior cadets who, due to extenuating circumstances, are unable fulfill other leadership roles.
- Being appointed as a Flight Adjutant allows senior cadets to play an adhoc role during cadet activities they're able to attend, without being demoted in the chain of command to Syndicate Member.
Individuals wishing to have visitors (e.g. new recruits, guest speakers) to the squadron must first receive approval from the CO at least one week in advance. Individuals visiting without prior approval will be turned away at the gate.
Cadets may use their own motor vehicles to drive to and from a squadron activity. However, with the exception of Tag Days, once a cadet has reported to an activity, they must not use their vehicle until dismissed from the activity. At no time are cadets to transport other cadets while at an activity.
Cadets are welcome to use bicycles on 17 Wing property during the spring, summer and autumn months. However, as per 17 Wing Standing Orders, cadets must not use bicycles while there is snow on the ground.
In addition to direction set out in CATO 13-22: Smoking Policy, the use of tobacco and/or non-tobacco products that simulate smoking is prohibited inside Building 21 and with 30 metres of Building 21, IAW 17 Wing Standing Orders. This order applies to all individuals including cadets, staff, parents and visitors.
Non-Tobacco Products include any product or device designed or intended to simulate a tobacco product, including, but not limited to, vapour cigarettes, electronic cigarettes, herbal cigarettes, dipping or chewing products, but excluding gum and prescription medications.
Non-Tobacco Products include any product or device designed or intended to simulate a tobacco product, including, but not limited to, vapour cigarettes, electronic cigarettes, herbal cigarettes, dipping or chewing products, but excluding gum and prescription medications.
The following policy dictates when and where it is appropriate for cadets to be using their electronic devices. Cadets must abide by this policy while on all squadron activities.
With the exception of the situations stated below, no cadet shall use their electronic device(s) in the following locations:
Cadets may use their electronic device(s) in the following circumstances:
With the exception of the situations stated below, no cadet shall use their electronic device(s) in the following locations:
- Washroom/change room facilities;
- Classrooms (during class times); or
- On parade.
Cadets may use their electronic device(s) in the following circumstances:
- In an emergency situation where the safety of cadets, staff, or the public is jeopardized;
- A senior cadet who used the device to aid in the operation of the squadron (ex: calling absent cadets; communicating in the field);
- An instructor who uses it for related assignments (ex: lesson plans);
- Any senior cadet who uses the device to communicate announcements during closing parade;
- A cadet who uses it for classroom related items (note: use may be monitored); or
- A cadet or instructor, who has prior permission from a Warrant Officer or adult staff, to use it for personal reasons (note: cadet may be asked to do so in the building’s foyer).
An AED can be found at the front of the parade square on the wall. A first aid kit is located in the Office on the shelf. Injuries requiring first aid must be reported to the activity OPI and the CO. If a cadet or staff member requires a bandage for minor cuts bandages are located in the office.
A lost and found box is located in the front foyer of Building 21.
Adult staff and senior cadets may use the sound system located near the front foyer of the building. This system can broadcast music on the gym floor from a variety of sources including radio, CD, or by plugging in a device to the input jack. Ask the CO for details.
squadron names, flight names, and locations
We have named all the flights in our squadron after aircraft that are/were used in the Royal Canadian Air Force.
Avenger Squadron (Arrow and Starfighter Flight)
Arrow Named after the CF-105 and is located at the front of the parade square on the right side (facing the rear of the building).
Starfighter Named after the CF-104 and is located at the front of the parade square on the left side (facing the rear of the building).
Hercules Squadron (Sabre and Voodoo Flight)
Sabre Named after the F-86 and is located at the back of the parade square on the left side (facing the rear of the building).
Voodoo Named after the CF-101 and is located at the back of the parade square on the right side (facing the rear of the building).
Other Flights
Hornet Named after the CF-18. This is the only flight named after a current aircraft of the RCAF. The rest are named after historical aircraft. Hornet flight is the band, located on the left side of the parade square (facing the rear of the building).
Vampire Named after the DH-100 and includes all squadron commanders, the Flag Party and the wing parade positions.
Avenger Squadron (Arrow and Starfighter Flight)
Arrow Named after the CF-105 and is located at the front of the parade square on the right side (facing the rear of the building).
Starfighter Named after the CF-104 and is located at the front of the parade square on the left side (facing the rear of the building).
Hercules Squadron (Sabre and Voodoo Flight)
Sabre Named after the F-86 and is located at the back of the parade square on the left side (facing the rear of the building).
Voodoo Named after the CF-101 and is located at the back of the parade square on the right side (facing the rear of the building).
Other Flights
Hornet Named after the CF-18. This is the only flight named after a current aircraft of the RCAF. The rest are named after historical aircraft. Hornet flight is the band, located on the left side of the parade square (facing the rear of the building).
Vampire Named after the DH-100 and includes all squadron commanders, the Flag Party and the wing parade positions.
A canteen is available during parade nights where various snacks and drinks can be purchased for a low price.
Due to issues of cleanliness as well as distractions during instruction, no food or drink is allowed in classrooms or other areas of instructions during class time. It must be consumed during break. Water is still allowed as well as any food provided by the instructor as part of the lesson.
Due to issues of cleanliness as well as distractions during instruction, no food or drink is allowed in classrooms or other areas of instructions during class time. It must be consumed during break. Water is still allowed as well as any food provided by the instructor as part of the lesson.
facility cleanliness
170 Squadron is extremely fortunate to be given access to Building 21 for our training activities, courtesy of 17 Wing. Unlike many other cadet squadrons and corps throughout the country, we get classrooms, office space, and a parade square free of charge.
With that said, you must do your part to ensure that Building 21 is kept clean during and after every activity. Garbage must not be left lying around. Instead, put it into garbage cans.
When using the washroom, ensure that the toilets are flushed and the faucets are turned off after washing hands. You are welcome to use the change rooms, including lockers, provided you use the lockers labelled “Day Use Only”. All personal items must be removed from the change rooms at the end of the activity.
After marksmanship activities, lead pellets MUST be swept up or collected and disposed of in garbage bins. Pers should wash their hands after handling them.
With that said, you must do your part to ensure that Building 21 is kept clean during and after every activity. Garbage must not be left lying around. Instead, put it into garbage cans.
When using the washroom, ensure that the toilets are flushed and the faucets are turned off after washing hands. You are welcome to use the change rooms, including lockers, provided you use the lockers labelled “Day Use Only”. All personal items must be removed from the change rooms at the end of the activity.
After marksmanship activities, lead pellets MUST be swept up or collected and disposed of in garbage bins. Pers should wash their hands after handling them.
Each of us bears a responsibility to be stewards of the environment. The tools are there; we just have to make the effort to use them. Therefore, all pers must make a concerted effort to recycle at each and every activity.
All internal bins including shredded paper must be emptied into recycling bags (blue bags) at the end of every activity. Corrugated cardboard must also be gathered up. Please ensure drink and food containers are empty (especially drink cans). Gather up all the bags near the southeast entrance and ask for volunteers to dispose of them with their household recycling. They can also be dropped off at the St James Civic Centre at 2055 Ness Ave.
During FTXs, please make an effort to keep all cardboard, including MRE/IMP boxes separate to be disposed of in recycling bins. Dead batteries and any other hazardous materials should also be kept in a separate bin. Information on how to dispose of such materials can be found here:
All internal bins including shredded paper must be emptied into recycling bags (blue bags) at the end of every activity. Corrugated cardboard must also be gathered up. Please ensure drink and food containers are empty (especially drink cans). Gather up all the bags near the southeast entrance and ask for volunteers to dispose of them with their household recycling. They can also be dropped off at the St James Civic Centre at 2055 Ness Ave.
During FTXs, please make an effort to keep all cardboard, including MRE/IMP boxes separate to be disposed of in recycling bins. Dead batteries and any other hazardous materials should also be kept in a separate bin. Information on how to dispose of such materials can be found here:
duty flight
Each parade night, a different flight will take on the responsibility of duty flight. This involves ensuring the building is clean at the end of the night.
The duty flight is announced during closing parade. Members of the duty flight must stay after dismissal to help with the clean-up. The duty cadet will be given a list of items to check. Cadets must stay until all items on the list are checked at which time, the duty cadet will dismiss them.
Parents: we ask for your co-operation and allow your cadet some extra time to complete their duties. It is a requirement that only comes once every few weeks and we need to keep the building clean to ensure our continued use of it.
Once the duty cadet is confident that the job is complete, they can dismiss their cadets and call on the duty officer to inspect. The duty officer will dismiss the duty cadet when the job is complete.
The duty flight is announced during closing parade. Members of the duty flight must stay after dismissal to help with the clean-up. The duty cadet will be given a list of items to check. Cadets must stay until all items on the list are checked at which time, the duty cadet will dismiss them.
Parents: we ask for your co-operation and allow your cadet some extra time to complete their duties. It is a requirement that only comes once every few weeks and we need to keep the building clean to ensure our continued use of it.
Once the duty cadet is confident that the job is complete, they can dismiss their cadets and call on the duty officer to inspect. The duty officer will dismiss the duty cadet when the job is complete.
The 170 St. James Squadron Sponsoring Committee (SSC) is a civilian, non-profit organization consisting of parents of cadets whose primary task is to raise over $20,000 a year in support of various squadron activities for over 120 Air Cadets.
The Squadron Sponsoring Committee provides financial support through fundraising for:
To accomplish this, the SSC holds various fundraising activities throughout the year and all cadets are expected to participate in these events. Parents are also expected to get involved and help out where needed. Parent volunteers look after the organization of fundraising events such as Tag Days, various sales and cadet canteen. A few cadets and parents cannot accomplish this alone; we all need to participate in order to support the Squadron.
Certain fundraising activities are mandatory. These include Squadron Tag Days and Provincial League fundraising (i.e. raffle tickets). With the remainder of our fundraising activities, participation is expected. In lieu of participating in our other fundraisers, parents can instead choose to make a donation in the amount of $200. This can be a one-time donation or 2 donations of $100 each at the end of September and end of March. As a registered charity, we are able to provide tax receipts for donations in excess of $20. Participation in these activities will be a factor in selection for other opportunities (i.e. summer training, regionally directed training, etc.). If you are unable to participate or donate, please contact the SSC Chairperson to discuss other options.
The Squadron Sponsoring Committee provides financial support through fundraising for:
- Administrative and training costs not supported by DND (i.e. transport);
- Payment of the Air Cadet League assessment fees;
- Extracurricular trips and activities (i.e. Mess Dinner, Awards Banquet etc.);
- Biathlon, marksmanship and band equipment;
- Trophies/awards presented at the Annual Ceremonial Review/Awards Banquet;
- Computers and other electronic equipment; and
- Familiarization flights in small aircraft.
To accomplish this, the SSC holds various fundraising activities throughout the year and all cadets are expected to participate in these events. Parents are also expected to get involved and help out where needed. Parent volunteers look after the organization of fundraising events such as Tag Days, various sales and cadet canteen. A few cadets and parents cannot accomplish this alone; we all need to participate in order to support the Squadron.
Certain fundraising activities are mandatory. These include Squadron Tag Days and Provincial League fundraising (i.e. raffle tickets). With the remainder of our fundraising activities, participation is expected. In lieu of participating in our other fundraisers, parents can instead choose to make a donation in the amount of $200. This can be a one-time donation or 2 donations of $100 each at the end of September and end of March. As a registered charity, we are able to provide tax receipts for donations in excess of $20. Participation in these activities will be a factor in selection for other opportunities (i.e. summer training, regionally directed training, etc.). If you are unable to participate or donate, please contact the SSC Chairperson to discuss other options.
SALUTING ZONES and paying of compliments
Cadets in uniform with their wedge on are to salute officers 2Lt and higher in the following saluting zones in Building 21:
- On the parade square when being spoken directly to and in passing
- At the side of the parade square when being spoken to directly
Harassment is defined as any improper conduct by an individual that is directed at and offensive to another person or persons in the Squadron and which the individual knew or ought reasonably to have known would cause offence or harm. It comprises any objectionable act, comment or display that demeans, belittles or causes personal humiliation or embarrassment or any act of intimidation or threat.
In support of the overall objective for a harassment free environment, all cadets and adult staff have a responsibility to:
All cadets are encouraged to resolve the issue at the lowest level. Start by talking to the harasser directly. Regardless of rank/position, all cadets have the right to a harassment-free environment. If cadets do not feel comfortable with this method, as stated above, discuss it with a senior cadet, adult staff member, the Unit Cadet Conflict Management Advisor (UCCMA) or the CO. The names of the UCCMA and CO can be found by clicking on the above link ‘About Us’ > ‘Adult Staff’. CATO 13-24 (including annexes) which governs harassment in the CCO can be found at the bottom of this section.
Discipline in the Sqn will be handled IAW CATO 15-22: Conduct and Discipline of Cadets (see link at the bottom of this section) and must be used to achieve the following objectives:
For minor dress and deportment issues, senior cadets will first have an opportunity to correct any issues, by informing the junior cadet what the issue is and what the junior cadet needs to do to resolve the issue. This can be done in a positive manner. Remember, the first objective listed above is to use this as a learning tool.
Repeated minor issues or any major issue must be brought to the attention of the CO. The CO will then implement a fact-finding process to determine exactly what the issue is. This will normally be done by another officer. If the issue seems to be more of a personality conflict or misunderstanding, the UCCMA may be called in to provide dispute resolution between the cadets involved.
Upon completion of the fact-finding process, the CO will impose an administrative or disciplinary action IAW CATO 15-22 which may include one or more of the following (ordered from least to most severe):
Parents will not normally be notified or consulted unless suspension of privileges or any higher severity action is being considered. Examples of issues and how they may be dealt with can be found in CATO 15-22 Annex A (see the link below).
Should a cadet disagree with any corrective measure, he or she may request a review of the matter through the CO. This may be done verbally or in writing to the CO and reasons for the request must be clearly stated. Should the cadet still have concerns after the review by the CO, the cadet may request in writing through the chain of command that concerns be submitted to the J3 OIC (Northeastern Area) with RCSU (NW). The J3 OIC (Northeastern Area) is the final authority in the process.
In support of the overall objective for a harassment free environment, all cadets and adult staff have a responsibility to:
- Refrain from conduct that could constitute harassment;
- As appropriate, correct and/or report any possible harassment they witness or become aware of;
- Report to the chain of command any suspected or known criminal infraction;
- Take action when they believe they are being subjected to harassment;
- Encourage and support others to take action in similar circumstances; and
- Seek, at any time, general advice or information on harassment issues from a senior cadet, adult staff member, UCCMA, or the CO.
All cadets are encouraged to resolve the issue at the lowest level. Start by talking to the harasser directly. Regardless of rank/position, all cadets have the right to a harassment-free environment. If cadets do not feel comfortable with this method, as stated above, discuss it with a senior cadet, adult staff member, the Unit Cadet Conflict Management Advisor (UCCMA) or the CO. The names of the UCCMA and CO can be found by clicking on the above link ‘About Us’ > ‘Adult Staff’. CATO 13-24 (including annexes) which governs harassment in the CCO can be found at the bottom of this section.
Discipline in the Sqn will be handled IAW CATO 15-22: Conduct and Discipline of Cadets (see link at the bottom of this section) and must be used to achieve the following objectives:
- As a learning tool to encourage youth to develop appropriate conduct.
- To correct inappropriate personal actions or comportment that have a negative impact on others or are counter to social norms.
- To maintain proper Sqn actions, activities and safety.
- To maintain Sqn order and morale.
For minor dress and deportment issues, senior cadets will first have an opportunity to correct any issues, by informing the junior cadet what the issue is and what the junior cadet needs to do to resolve the issue. This can be done in a positive manner. Remember, the first objective listed above is to use this as a learning tool.
Repeated minor issues or any major issue must be brought to the attention of the CO. The CO will then implement a fact-finding process to determine exactly what the issue is. This will normally be done by another officer. If the issue seems to be more of a personality conflict or misunderstanding, the UCCMA may be called in to provide dispute resolution between the cadets involved.
Upon completion of the fact-finding process, the CO will impose an administrative or disciplinary action IAW CATO 15-22 which may include one or more of the following (ordered from least to most severe):
- Verbal warning.
- Apology.
- Cautionary notice.
- Assignment of extra duties.
- Written warning.
- Suspension of privileges (includes suspension from one or more activities).
- Removal of position.
- Suspension of pending promotion.
- Reduction in rank.
- Suspension (normally in cases of criminal charges; requires CO to obtain approval from (RCSU).
- Termination of CCO membership (requires CO to obtain approval from (RCSU).
Parents will not normally be notified or consulted unless suspension of privileges or any higher severity action is being considered. Examples of issues and how they may be dealt with can be found in CATO 15-22 Annex A (see the link below).
Should a cadet disagree with any corrective measure, he or she may request a review of the matter through the CO. This may be done verbally or in writing to the CO and reasons for the request must be clearly stated. Should the cadet still have concerns after the review by the CO, the cadet may request in writing through the chain of command that concerns be submitted to the J3 OIC (Northeastern Area) with RCSU (NW). The J3 OIC (Northeastern Area) is the final authority in the process.